
Sunday, December 20, 2009


Yeah, I remember still.... my first menses. Ahaks. My Mom didn't guide me on how to wear the pads. I swear I learnt it from my classmates, circa 1990, I was in Primary 6 then. +_+. The famous brand was Kotex. Very limited choices at that time. We used to talk about ladies pad and this matter was normally brought up by one of my classmates, Sharifah who had a couple of elder sisters that time. She would describe us how did her sisters putting that pad and that thing was made of some kind of cloth, cotton like. Haha.

Pic: Haha. Kotex. Very liable brand.

Talking about menses and PMS and such, guys should know us. I conclude all that at in a simpler way. PMS = food craving and being ferocious. Oh yes, must have chocolates in stock. Good enuff. During menses, = no mood at all. :p Simple. Avoid cold drinks and washing hair at night as Mom always said but for me it was just a taboo. During PMS my appetite also in a good state and am always craving for ridiculous fattening edible stuff. Well, what to do.

So far I don't have problem like acute cramps or headache. And I wish that my daughter, Gabby will be as strong as her Mommy. She will.

Oh yes. This entry is dedicated to my daughter, who has reached her puberty today. Officially at 1:00 p.m. Yay!!! Aku dah ada anak dara dah. (",)

With Love,

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