
Thursday, December 31, 2009


I met him in 2008. So from the first time I attached to him, I never, never fail to impress my readers with stories eventhough my stories are sometimes lame so boo me, boo! For Nuffnangers, you guys know the important rules and one of them is putting the ads in your blogs since well, yes it is the main purpose right? People, are you with me???

I did. But it was only for a few months...... I only 'wake up' in December this year. Ya. Saya sangat bodoh. I am so stupid that I had to start all over again. Oh, how I hate myself to death. When I checked my previous Buffered Earnings in 2008, I was actually doing OK but again, why on earth I was so forgetful to put the ads back to my blog??? The only thing that I concerned about was, my blog layout. I am lame. Kill me now. Urgh.

Then in December, I reconciled with Nuffnang. Things are going smooth between us. Some interesting facts I'd like to share with you guys and were taken from my account. We start with the Pie Chart.

Well hello Malaysians! What is wrong with my blog? My readers are majority coming from the United State of America. Yeah, party in the USA??? Yeahh!! Miley Cyrus, are u reading my blog too? Bahaha.

Thanks peeps! I guess they enjoy to read Puteri's and Cat Cat's blog hahahaha.... then they look at the clock on the wall and still have time to surf the net so they surf more and then get themselves automatically linked to mine. What a theory! Speaking of such, what actually the stuff that people normally search in my blog? Let us see,

....hmmm.. make up classes in Spring... The Spring actually... and err...errr.. Iban Porn???? OMGWTF Iban Porn is doing in my blog??? Haahaaahah....

Thank you readers. Keep on supporting me by reading my blog and please click my Nuffnang ads.

p/s: Should you think the image is too damn tiny for your 4 eyes, please click to enlarge them. Thanks.

With Love,

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