
Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I am dizzy still. My head feels so heavy. I still remember my dream, the dream that woke me up in tears at 5:15 a.m. this morning.

I met daddy. But this time, it was so real. His face was bright as bright as a moon and his eyes were shiny and sparkly. The place was at hospital. I remember that I took Mom to hospital but without any health reason. When we arrived, I heard daddy's voice chuckling and he was chit chatting with our family friends. He was so healthy and jolly.

Suddenly, his conversations stopped and he looked at my face. He took my left hand and held it firmly. His hand, so chill and cold as if he's just came out of a big freezer.

"Mang (my nickname at home) is getting bigger, must go for diet OK?", he said.

He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. Beautiful.

"Remember, don't ever, ever leave your mother. Promise me. "
"I promise Daddy. *sad* But please don't leave me, please don't", I begged him.

He's gone in second. I woke up in tears. I could feel my left hand was cold and frozen. I touch my right cheek. Yes. Confirmed. My left hand was still freezing. I prayed for his soul in deep tears and sobbing loudly, till my hubby woke up. He knows my grieving, the pain that I hold since Daddy left us.

The dream was a miracle to me.

First, for the first time after 2 months, I dreamed about Daddy. It was almost real. I could see his face clearly, I could hear his manly voice too.

Secondly, he held my hand and his hand was freezing cold. Please take note, our air-cond is still malfunctioning and we depend on ceiling fan and fresh air (we open the bedroom windows while sleeping). It was obvious and confirmed by hubby that my left hand was freezing. My right hand was normal with body temperature. How magical it was, wasn't it? I kiss that hand and I didn't forget to pray.

Thank God. Alleluia praise to Him. I met my Daddy in my dream. He's not only a father to me but he's also my best friend. Rest in peace Daddy dearest. Don't worry, I'll hold my words. I will take care of Mommy and the rest.

With Love,

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