
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The counter. Cantik tak? Cakaplah cantik, penat I edit gambar taw.

Went to 175 Degrees Cafe at Padungan on Monday to collect my gift - in a form of Gingerbread cookies! Yay!! Thanks to Irene and Pastry Chef, Josh for the verry shweet gift. Oh yes, I won the "Win a Pair of Gingerbread Men" Contest at Irene's blog.

Mr. & Mrs. Gingerbread

Since it's already nearly 6:00 p.m., I took the opportunity to have my early dinner there. Lately, I seem to feel bored with rice. I always go for noodles and buns. Wait. I was craving for beef burgers.

My order. Beef Burger. It comes with a dollop of chilli sauce, salad and fries. Oh, did I tell you the beef patty is homemade and moisty?? Bukan Ramly Burger hoccay? Love it!

I'm a very, very coffee person. Never have enough of it, so I ordered Iced Mocha Latte. Very 'gao' and not too sweet. I loooooiike!

Overall, the price is reasonable, the premise is clean, the service is good. What more can I say? There are lots of reviews about this place. I didn't try the fish spa, as you know I just came back from the office and had been in my pump shoes for more than 8 hours. I'm afraid all the fish will get choked with my feet smell. Haha.

p/s: Oh yes, am now awaiting gift from Charlene from Perth, Australia. I won one of the perfume sets last month. Eeeeiiiiiii! Best nyaaaa! Actually still awaiting for them to reach my house. Can't wait, people!!

With Love,

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