
Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Warmth For the Soul" 2009

We had our annual winter coat giveaway on Dec 5 & 6. After collecting coats through October and November, with the gracious help of the Warrenton Chick Fil A and WPER, we had gathered almost 600, many of them brand new with the labels still on them. This year, we expanded the give away to two days (Friday evening and Saturday morning) to give folks a better chance to get in and find a coat. It was an overwhelming success! WPER had announcements running all day for three days. Chick Fil A had posters and hand outs strategically placed in their store as well. This increased our exposure and brought people from all over the county.

We also had a lot of help this year. Over 30 people helped set up, sort and hang the coats in our Fellowship Hall. It took a lot of work to get ready but the whole project was such a blessing! As we've moved into community outreach events like this coat drive, the food drive and the school supply drive, we all get blessed mightily, the folks we collect for and us as we serve them and fellowship together.

We learned more lessons this year. The two day event works much better. The better sorted, the easier it is for folks to find coats. Chick Fil A and WPER were huge factors in getting the word out. Next year, we're thinking of expanding the collection to include scarfs, gloves and boots, all popular items we ran out of early.

It really is amazing to see God move among us during these events. We have so many people who are willing to serve and the blessings go both ways. The folks who get the coats see a demonstration of God's unmerited grace. Additionally, the people who work so hard to serve receive the blessing of having done a good job in honoring God with their sacrifice and labor.

The community participates on all levels, giving and receiving. I'm never sure who is blessed more but I'm always moved and lifted up by the love and compassion of the body at WBF. Watching our people eagerly reach out to those who come has become the highlight of these events. This is us....doing what the church is called to do......become a reflection of God's infinite grace and a vessel for His immeasurable love.

Isn't this exciting!

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