
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just uploaded these pics on Facebook, not mine but the band. To know these guys, just click their Myspace's link. Just to note, darling hubby is their drummer, the chubby one.

With DJ Tracy of Cats.FM

Nathaniel, hubby and Morgan

The rocker n' rollers. Unfortunately, Syrile can't make it since he's working and he didn't manage to get released from his boss.

To all Sarawakians, please tune to Cats.FM (99.3 FM - Kuching) on this coming Thursday, 3rd December 2009 @9:30pm. You will get the chance to listen to their 4 newest tracks. OK, one more info, to read about them, please check them out this Thursday too at Eastern Times. Thanks.

Yours truly,
Miss Manager

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