
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gift of the Magi

One of my favorite Christmas stories is The Gift of the Magi. You are familiar with this O'Henry short story.

Two young, newly weds are very poor. At Christmas they want to give the other a special gift.

The woman decides to cut her long beautiful hair to get enough money to buy her husband a beautiful watch chain.

The husband sells his precious gold watch so he can buy his wife a silver comb set.

In this day and age of commercialism, I hope we can all remember that Christmas is a special time of year. It is a time when we reflect on the importance of helping our fellow citizen, thinking of family and putting the needs of others ahead of ourselves.

It makes no difference what religious beliefs a person has. What is important is that we take a moment to see how we can be a better person and how our short time on earth can be beneficial to others.

Thanks for stopping by.

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