
Monday, December 28, 2009


Hate to say this. I've gone too far these few days. I know it's holiday. When I give excuses, more reasons coming to me. I've stuck to this laptop since 24th December. I will let it go only when I am dining, bathing or watching HBO. What a lazy bum!! I wanna go out of this room or this house but Mr. Hubby will give excuses i.e. the frequent we go out the more $$$$ we'll spend. Yup. True. We spent a lot today. And so yesterday. And so few days - the worst was on Christmas Day. Went out to Parkson and then followed by a visit to Boulevard Mall from 3 p.m. till midnite - 9 hours????

Have to get up now, have to.... my room is smelly, ohh what more to say about the clusters. I have to move my a** and clean my room! Just a room you say??? My room is more than a room.

Eh, I will blog about our Christmas gifts this year but please excuse me... I have to do some cleaning up there. Bye bye love!

With Love,

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