
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Classic Board Games

At this time of year I am always reminded of classic board games. Even though high technology video games are popular today, nothing can beat a classic board game or a game of cards.

As a young child I remember playing simple card games. Hours were spent playing Old Maid or Go Fish!

One of my all time favorite Christmas presents was a board game called Mouse Trap. The object was to erect an elaborate structure. When completed, a metal ball set in motion a chain reaction that allowed the mouse to be caught. Rube Goldberg would have been proud!

Though simplistic and almost silly, I enjoyed Pick Up Sticks. These were multi colored plastic sticks that you dropped on the floor. The object was to pull out your color of stick without moving another color.

The all time classic Battleship was, well, just classic.

Who doesn't remember Sorry! I want blue! I want red!

Checkers was always good. But if you wanted something special, there was Chinese checkers. I never knew why it was called that.

As I got older I played games like Cribbage. 15-2, 15-4, 15-6 and a run makes ....

My favorite card game was gin rummy. For some reason I had always seemed to have a lot of luck with this game.

So many wonderful board and card games. The list could go on and on. But there is one game that tops them all. It does not even need an introduction.

I hope you get a chance to play some board and card games over the holiday. Others can have their video games -- give me these!

Thanks for stopping by.

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