
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dearest Daddy,

How are you up there? Did you receive my miss calls? Did you listen to my voice mails? It's been nearly 2 months since you're gone, I can't help to shed my tears whenever I can't hold my longing for you.

This year Christmas would be different without you. We haven't put up the Christmas tree yet, what for? You used to scold us if we delay to hang the ornaments on the tree so we just keep the tree this year. Oh yes, there will be no Chicken Curry and Beef Rendang as we don't want to make Mommy feels more sad thinking of you.

This year's Christmas we have together decided to do one thing for Mom, that is TO PUT SMILE ON HER FACE, just like when you were around. Don't worry Daddy, we're good in doing that. We sure inherited it from you.

Oh yes, Daddy. We have been doing good so far. We didn't fight. We love each other and being closer day by day. Baby Ashlyn is growing up Daddy. She is now walking with her arms held high like a monkey, very funny!. Boboy is the toughest one but still, the brightest. And Gabby, she's growing more beautiful day by day, Daddy. Sometimes they talk about their grandfather and it makes us missing you more and more.

Daddy, we pray that you're happy and safe with Jesus from now on. Don't worry Daddy, we promise we will never, ever make Mommy cries but we will put smiles on her face everyday. You can count on us.

We love you daddy..... with all our hearts and souls.

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