
Sunday, December 13, 2009

WBF Christmas Party

We had our annual Christmas Party last night at the Fauquier County Fairgrounds. It's always a lot of fun and, once again, the hard labors of so many were a tremendous blessing. Many thanks to Dee Griffith for doing such a great job of coordinating things.

This year was a bit of a change for us. We decided to forgo the sit-down meal, exchanging it for a time of dessert, fellowship, carols and communion. The folks from Hope Christian Fellowship joined us and a panel of judges from both churches decided who got the grand prize for the best dessert. The winner? Carol Dark for her exquisite Cranberry Cheesecake.

Once again, as always, the party provided sweet fellowship and a relaxing but edifying time of sharing and worshiping. The decorations were beautiful, the desserts were wonderful and the spirit of unity was a sweet capper on a great evening:

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