
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Have been thinking to do this wrap-up when the idea came whilst having my morning shower. - Kids, that's why morning shower is very good to enhance your brain so it will shower you back with ideas. Haha. Sempat pulak aku ber-iklan kat sini.

People, I've gone thru lots of upside downs and mixed ups in 2009. We gained a lots in wealth, health and weights. In return, we lost lots too. 2009 really taught me how be more strong and firm in my relationships - marriage, family and friends.

My marriage will celebrate its first 1-0, yes, the 10th anniversary next February. I still can recall the day I signed the marital certificate. I was only 22 at that time and just completed my diploma. Hubby taught me a lot about life, love, patience which had changed me a lot in many ways. He also faced challenges and barricades this year when he opted to resign and set up his own company. With Jesus helps and moral supports from us, as a family his career is ascending now. Hence, I am always thankful to God that He sent me this angel in the form of a man whom later I married and like other couples we have gone thru arguments, hugs, laughters and tears together but it has never changed my feeling, not an inch towards him. Those make we love each other more and more everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus for your miracles.

She was born thru C-Sect on Monday morning and was named, Gabriella Conchita; (A leader with God strength). Yes. It still feels like given birth to her yesterday and yes, she has reached her puberty early too that was 2 weeks ago. How time flies. She's a tween now.

Everyone, especially this blog readers know that my beloved best friend and father, left us to be with Lord Jesus 2 months ago. God knows how he left us in agony and despair, it almost driven me crazy to lock myself inside the bedroom and thinking about him around the clock. It was hubby who gave me strength and words of consolations and convinces. Mom is one strong lady. She is now coping back with life, with us. I'm glad to see her happy surrounded by us. My sis, Cynthia has moved back with Mak, now doing her part time job setting her own small food business, my brother Rodriguez meanwhile is located in St. Luke's church Sri Aman now. My youngest bro, Thadeus will be sitting for SPM next year. Dad, you have completed your race actually. Don't u worry up there, just let your chubby girl does her work down here.

Some new faces came and left the office. I found true friendships finally. I love to point this - Office political scene is dirtier and crueler. You don't even believe that someone can back stab you anytime. People, make friends with all level of peers. You might realize one day and appreciate my advise. Trust me. Don't ever feel degradation should you mingle with office tea lady or cleaner of your office or even junior clerks. Make no barricades in friendship. These people will give a very deep positive impacts in your life. Guys, thanks for the friendships that we build together and may God bless your honesty in return. Amen.

My work life? Well, we're still celebrating, I guess so. FYI, one circular regarding our grade has been out out yesterday. Yay! Finally, our grade was revised and upgraded. Any idea to celebrate this, my dear Secretary friends? We will OK, we will. :p

Next year 2010 will give me challenges - new job designation, new project with hubby, more responsibilities and many more to come. To stay strong and believe in myself - that's my resolution for 2010. I believe in myself from now on and I will.

I wish you guys a very prosperous new year and may God shower you all with love, health and wealth abundantly. Goodbye 2009, goodbye sad stories. Hello 2010 and hello challenges! Can't wait to wake up and rock the stage, the stage of life again!!

With Love,

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