
Wednesday, December 23, 2009



OK. This time I'll bring you guys for 'Jalan Jalan Cari Makan' at HAPPY TIME CAFE, 17th Mile, Siburan Bazaar. Wow, jauhnya!! If you could find the new Everrise then this cafe is actually located at the corner of that row, just opposite the Siburan's Police Station. Once you enter this place, please look for a stall, selling 'mixed rice' or Nasi Campur as what we normally call it. The stall operates after 4:00 p.m. daily and serving home cooked dishes. Please bear in mind, it is non-halal.

The reason why I am blogging about this because this stall belongs to my younger sis, Cynthia. Go go sis, caiyok caiyok! She's doing this as her part-time job. So, on Tuesday's night we went there for the food review and debut.

That's Ted, my brother. Nope, he's not the cook, he's just helping Cynthia with serving and washing dishes. Rajin nian adik bujangku nan sorang ini... Haha. We had Chicken Curry, Meat with Lobak Masin, Telur Masin (salted egg), longbeans, Ayam Kicap (Chicken in Soy Sauce) and many, many more.

Gabby's plate. Yes, she was hungry and another yes, this is her second helping. Apart from my sis' stall, there serve Kolok Mee, Nasi Ayam (Chicken Rice), Laksa, Fried Noodles/Beehoon/Kuey Tiaw and soon, one Halal stall will be joining too. Only my sis who starts her business late in the afternoon.

Pay her a visit and tell her that her big sister is promoting her stall and should you need discount, it's up to your creativity in thinking. Haha. Don't worry, she's a nice lady, and pretty too. *ceh, up kan adik sendiri*. Bahaha....

Try today!

p/s: Oh ya, this is her Facebook. Do click should you wanna see how she looks like. Definitely not as big size cute as me!

With Love,

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