
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year!

Well, the Meyersdale Public Library made it through 2009 intact! We are so very grateful for the financial support of our library friends. Our 2009 fund drive was the best to date. After an extended debate the state ended up cutting public library subsidies by 21%. Any budget cut is painful, however we are grateful the vote for the originally proposed 50% cut was averted . The many letters of support to government officials from library patrons across the state had a huge impact on this decision. We understand the entire country is economically stressed and that sacrifices are being made across the board. We are grateful that our little library will be able to continue services to the public with only a few internal budget adjustments. This is possible in part because of the financial support of the Somerset County Federated Library System. While hours of operation will remain the same, there will be slight cutbacks in collection and staff expenses. Our hope is to continue to provide our community the quality service our library has become known for. How long we can do this is dependant on continued local financial support as well as backing of government officials. Let us all hope for better circumstances in 2010!

Please come in and look through the many books we have for sale!

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