
Thursday, December 31, 2009


I met him in 2008. So from the first time I attached to him, I never, never fail to impress my readers with stories eventhough my stories are sometimes lame so boo me, boo! For Nuffnangers, you guys know the important rules and one of them is putting the ads in your blogs since well, yes it is the main purpose right? People, are you with me???

I did. But it was only for a few months...... I only 'wake up' in December this year. Ya. Saya sangat bodoh. I am so stupid that I had to start all over again. Oh, how I hate myself to death. When I checked my previous Buffered Earnings in 2008, I was actually doing OK but again, why on earth I was so forgetful to put the ads back to my blog??? The only thing that I concerned about was, my blog layout. I am lame. Kill me now. Urgh.

Then in December, I reconciled with Nuffnang. Things are going smooth between us. Some interesting facts I'd like to share with you guys and were taken from my account. We start with the Pie Chart.

Well hello Malaysians! What is wrong with my blog? My readers are majority coming from the United State of America. Yeah, party in the USA??? Yeahh!! Miley Cyrus, are u reading my blog too? Bahaha.

Thanks peeps! I guess they enjoy to read Puteri's and Cat Cat's blog hahahaha.... then they look at the clock on the wall and still have time to surf the net so they surf more and then get themselves automatically linked to mine. What a theory! Speaking of such, what actually the stuff that people normally search in my blog? Let us see,

....hmmm.. make up classes in Spring... The Spring actually... and err...errr.. Iban Porn???? OMGWTF Iban Porn is doing in my blog??? Haahaaahah....

Thank you readers. Keep on supporting me by reading my blog and please click my Nuffnang ads.

p/s: Should you think the image is too damn tiny for your 4 eyes, please click to enlarge them. Thanks.

With Love,

Why So Many Words?

An excellent posting on Kevin DeYoung's blog on why words are so important in our corporate gatherings. Here's an excerpt:

Perhaps you’ve wondered why Christian worship is so heavy on words? Perhaps you or your church has been criticized for being too propositional, too auditory, too…wordy. Well, here are twenty-five reasons why verbal proclamation–through the reading, preaching, singing, and praying of the Bible and biblical truth–should have the preeminent place in corporate worship:

You can read the rest of the article here

Auld Lang Syne

Ever stop to think abut the traditional New Year song we sing, "Auld Lang Syne"? What on earth does that mean? The lyrics were written by Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788. The title loosely translates into "old long since" but can also be translated as "long, long ago" Here are the actual lyrics to that poem:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my jo, for auld lang syne,
we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp! And surely I’ll be mine!

And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes, and pu’d the gowans fine;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot, sin auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl’d i’ the burn, frae morning sun till dine;
But seas between us braid hae roar’d sin auld lang syne.

And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere! and gie’s a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll tak a right gude-willy waught, for auld lang syne.

Féliz Año Nuevo 2010

Que tal seguidores de este blog y visitantes casuales, aquí un servilleta deseandoles primero que nada una maravillosa cena de fin de año, segundo un prospero año 2010 que todo lo que se propongan se les cumpla y asi.

Asi que les dejo las imagenas de rigor y nos estaremos leyendo ya el 4 de Enero del 2010.

Fido Dido (Propiedad de su respectivo dueño, si no luego demandan) les desea feliz año nuevo:

Como siempre en este blog se les desea especialmente y para deleite de los caballeros un Happy new year:

La verdad que este 2009 fue un año raro, quizas algunos quieran olvidarlo y/o borrarlo de sus mentes:

Mas deleite para los caballeros (otra pose):

Feliz año nuevo de parte de Charly Brown y su pandilla (propiedad de su respectivo dueño):

Y si, mas deleite para los caballeros:

Nos leemos el próximo año.

New Year!

Well, the Meyersdale Public Library made it through 2009 intact! We are so very grateful for the financial support of our library friends. Our 2009 fund drive was the best to date. After an extended debate the state ended up cutting public library subsidies by 21%. Any budget cut is painful, however we are grateful the vote for the originally proposed 50% cut was averted . The many letters of support to government officials from library patrons across the state had a huge impact on this decision. We understand the entire country is economically stressed and that sacrifices are being made across the board. We are grateful that our little library will be able to continue services to the public with only a few internal budget adjustments. This is possible in part because of the financial support of the Somerset County Federated Library System. While hours of operation will remain the same, there will be slight cutbacks in collection and staff expenses. Our hope is to continue to provide our community the quality service our library has become known for. How long we can do this is dependant on continued local financial support as well as backing of government officials. Let us all hope for better circumstances in 2010!

Please come in and look through the many books we have for sale!

New Year's Resolutions

Today is New Year's Eve. It is always a day of celebration as well as reflection.

Over the years I have learned to be realistic. I don't wait until January 1 to make a New Year's Day resolution - I make resolutions during the year. But I do stop and think pretty hard on New Year's Day about the past year and the year to come.

It is natural to want to become a better person, both physically and mentally. This year one of my biggest goals is to become less judgmental. One of my weaknesses is that I am extremely judgmental - and that can cause you to be less open minded.

I also want to force myself to move out of my comfort zone and do some things I have not done for a long time. I want to become like Jim Carrey and learn to say YES! to new opportunities.

I have spent the last several years living a very quiet life style. I want to break out of that and fly off to Vancouver for a few days in March.

I want to drive to St. Louis and watch a Cardinals game.

I want to go to Chicago and walk through the Chicago Art Institute and see the city.

Tonight Bailey and I will have a quiet evening. I will watch Iowa State play in a bowl game (Go Cyclones!) and just enjoy all the good things I have to be thankful for and think about the fun things that await this coming year.

I hope Bailey remembers I like chocolate cake. Last year he made a Milk-Bone Biscuit case. He liked it better than I did! But I had to admit, it wasn't too bad!

Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by!

Amazing Sand Drawing

"Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine's version of 'America's Got Talent.' She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and 'sand painting' skills to interpret Germany's invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII.'" It is really an amazing video.


Have been thinking to do this wrap-up when the idea came whilst having my morning shower. - Kids, that's why morning shower is very good to enhance your brain so it will shower you back with ideas. Haha. Sempat pulak aku ber-iklan kat sini.

People, I've gone thru lots of upside downs and mixed ups in 2009. We gained a lots in wealth, health and weights. In return, we lost lots too. 2009 really taught me how be more strong and firm in my relationships - marriage, family and friends.

My marriage will celebrate its first 1-0, yes, the 10th anniversary next February. I still can recall the day I signed the marital certificate. I was only 22 at that time and just completed my diploma. Hubby taught me a lot about life, love, patience which had changed me a lot in many ways. He also faced challenges and barricades this year when he opted to resign and set up his own company. With Jesus helps and moral supports from us, as a family his career is ascending now. Hence, I am always thankful to God that He sent me this angel in the form of a man whom later I married and like other couples we have gone thru arguments, hugs, laughters and tears together but it has never changed my feeling, not an inch towards him. Those make we love each other more and more everyday. Thank you Lord Jesus for your miracles.

She was born thru C-Sect on Monday morning and was named, Gabriella Conchita; (A leader with God strength). Yes. It still feels like given birth to her yesterday and yes, she has reached her puberty early too that was 2 weeks ago. How time flies. She's a tween now.

Everyone, especially this blog readers know that my beloved best friend and father, left us to be with Lord Jesus 2 months ago. God knows how he left us in agony and despair, it almost driven me crazy to lock myself inside the bedroom and thinking about him around the clock. It was hubby who gave me strength and words of consolations and convinces. Mom is one strong lady. She is now coping back with life, with us. I'm glad to see her happy surrounded by us. My sis, Cynthia has moved back with Mak, now doing her part time job setting her own small food business, my brother Rodriguez meanwhile is located in St. Luke's church Sri Aman now. My youngest bro, Thadeus will be sitting for SPM next year. Dad, you have completed your race actually. Don't u worry up there, just let your chubby girl does her work down here.

Some new faces came and left the office. I found true friendships finally. I love to point this - Office political scene is dirtier and crueler. You don't even believe that someone can back stab you anytime. People, make friends with all level of peers. You might realize one day and appreciate my advise. Trust me. Don't ever feel degradation should you mingle with office tea lady or cleaner of your office or even junior clerks. Make no barricades in friendship. These people will give a very deep positive impacts in your life. Guys, thanks for the friendships that we build together and may God bless your honesty in return. Amen.

My work life? Well, we're still celebrating, I guess so. FYI, one circular regarding our grade has been out out yesterday. Yay! Finally, our grade was revised and upgraded. Any idea to celebrate this, my dear Secretary friends? We will OK, we will. :p

Next year 2010 will give me challenges - new job designation, new project with hubby, more responsibilities and many more to come. To stay strong and believe in myself - that's my resolution for 2010. I believe in myself from now on and I will.

I wish you guys a very prosperous new year and may God shower you all with love, health and wealth abundantly. Goodbye 2009, goodbye sad stories. Hello 2010 and hello challenges! Can't wait to wake up and rock the stage, the stage of life again!!

With Love,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Uh-Oh! A "Blue Moon" Ends the OOs

It's a "Blue Moon" New Years Eve! This is a good omen for the 2010 planting season. Our wish for all  gardeners is a year with ample rain, no hail, early spring, warm summer, late fall frost, and a long harvest!  May your corn be as high as an elephant's eye; may you get blood from your turnips; may your cabbage be as large and wise as a man's head; may your tomatoes be lusty and if your fruit rots, may it become wine; may your artichokes have hearts; may your potatoes keep their eyes peeled; and may 2010 be the Dawning of the Age of Asparagus!

Happy New Year from the Jeffco Gardener Blog Team.

Read about the blue moon phenomenon here: - Press Releases - Uh-Oh! A "Blue Moon" Ends the OOs


Barr and Jazz.

Pheww! I'm back to the reality world. Havoc and sweats. Readers, I have cleaned my room and my room smells surely damn good now. Oh yes, I cooked Black Pepper Pork last night too. Sorry no picture, was too hungry and when I realized that I haven't snapped it, the bowl was gone. Haha. Hey, see that wedding picture? Congrats to our besties, Barr @ Austin and Jacinta @ Jazz, sorry guys I didn't attend the ceremony but luckily hubby managed to rush and be with you guys. I was babysitting Gabby, Easter, Sam and Clint, wowww! Ain't I a Super Big Momma? Haha.

Baby Ashlyn and Mom in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients.

News update. Sis is doing good with her 'Nasi Campur', really envy her! Wish her the best and may she achieve her dream!! Caiyok caiyok! She's been dreaming of doing this years ago so she's very serious doing it. You can do it girl.

Meet the Campbells.

Well, Christmas was over and the new year is coming in 2 days time. I received Christmas card from Puteri 2 days ago, wallaaahhh! Thanks Puteri! Gabby put it on the Christmas tree and it looks good, thanks for helping, love.

Oh yes, my Christmas gift. The picture itself tells you the story. The story of the happiness of a woman who spends hours in front of the mirror struggling with her big curly hair. Sekarang tidak lagi! No mas! Haha. Thanks love. You always surprise me *wink* and full of surprises too.

With Love,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Luster One Hour White Tooth Whitening System

Luster 1 Hour White Tooth Whitening

Do you want whiter teeth without going to a dentist?

Tried all those whitening toothpastes and strips but they don't really work for you?

Then you should try the 1 Hour White At Home Tooth Whitening Light System by Luster. This fab kit includes a professional whitening light, tooth rinse and Luster Super Whitener.

All you have to do is rinse with the accelerator, brush on the super whitener then use the whitening light.Your teeth can be up to 6 shades whiter within an hour.

So you are probably thinking "does it really work?"


I saw significant whitening results after just two applications. I didn't even go through the whole process to use it for the whole hour. It's great.At home whitening results with no trip to the dentist.

Click here to keep reading this review.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Snow

Sunday morning I stepped out my door and saw this.

I call this a Christmas snow since it is perfect. The snow is light and fluffy. It covers the ground in a blanket of white.

In the morning sunlight you can see the icy crystals shimmering. It is quite a sight.

Everything is so quiet. You can almost hear the rabbits. It is that still.

The shadow created by the fence shows the contours of the earlier drifting.

The fountain in the front of the house is covered with snow.

Looking closer you can see the snow crystals.

These dried flowers stand out against the snow.

Even the branches of the trees have a coating of snow.

Sometimes the very best sound is quiet.

Thanks for stopping by.


Hate to say this. I've gone too far these few days. I know it's holiday. When I give excuses, more reasons coming to me. I've stuck to this laptop since 24th December. I will let it go only when I am dining, bathing or watching HBO. What a lazy bum!! I wanna go out of this room or this house but Mr. Hubby will give excuses i.e. the frequent we go out the more $$$$ we'll spend. Yup. True. We spent a lot today. And so yesterday. And so few days - the worst was on Christmas Day. Went out to Parkson and then followed by a visit to Boulevard Mall from 3 p.m. till midnite - 9 hours????

Have to get up now, have to.... my room is smelly, ohh what more to say about the clusters. I have to move my a** and clean my room! Just a room you say??? My room is more than a room.

Eh, I will blog about our Christmas gifts this year but please excuse me... I have to do some cleaning up there. Bye bye love!

With Love,

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sound of Music

Last night ABC TV showed The Sound of Music. One look at this image and you know the story. You can even hear the opening music.

Maria is a young woman on her way to becoming a nun. But she is sent out to be a governess for seven children of an Austrian captain.

Ever since Captain von Trapp's wife died, he has ruled his children with an iron fist and no emotion. He uses whistles to call them.

But Maria only knows love. She sings to the children of her favorite things when they are afraid of a thunderstorm.

After being away on a trip, Captain von Trapp returns home only to find his children have learned to sing. Suddenly his heart melts and he becomes a father again.

The Baroness, who is planning on marrying the Captain, quickly sees he is falling in love with Maria.

Maria becomes afraid that she is falling in love with the Captain and runs back to the abbey. But her Mother Superior sends her back to face her fears and find out what her feelings really are.

When Maria returns, she and the Captain tell each other how they really feel and Maria discovers how beautiful it is to be in love and how wonderful life can be.

Maria and Captain von Trapp are married in perhaps the most incredible wedding scene ever shown in a movie.

To get away from the nazis who have occupied Austria and have inscripted Captain von Trapp, the family escapes after giving a performance.

This movie is one of my favorites. This black and white image of Marie is etched in my mind. She found love and happiness by giving of herself. That is a most appealing quality.

There is a lot more to this movie than music. Perhaps that is why people can watch it over and over and never get tired of it. So many life lessons are interwoven into the story, but in the end, good prevails. And that is nice.

Thanks for stopping by.

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