
Friday, March 6, 2009


Holy Shmoly!

It's Friday babeeeyyyyy!! I'm so bulked and stuffed by trying my superpower tak jadi to accomplish my impossible mission - to complete 2 meetings' minutes within 2 days?? Ekau gilo ko hapo Cik Cokolat!! Ekau hengat ekau tu apo??

Everyone was busy with photocopying. It makes me sad not because I'm left behind all the hassles but I am sad with Makcik Lampir Sundal Malam who once asked me to walk a distant for the sake of shredding paper when she disapproved our application to buy a paper shredder but when we bought one, she asked her coolies to borrow from me!!!! WTF!!!! Jilat balik lah ludah kauuuu ya... sik hingin aku menjilat sama... Hahahaha... I am sad because she made my 3 girls went back and forth to her office to photocopy and bind the books!!!! She has more manpower than me but her manpower are used to do the not useful stuff like cooking, gossiping and cleaning her smelly pussy. I repeat, cleaning smelly pussy. To note, next week on Tuesday we have a workshop to be held and we really in rush to prepare everything. What does she has in her mind I really unsure. As if we have nothing to do in this office. Obviously.

I found this picture. Ooohh Mi Kolok Chin Heng Cafe... I miss you so much, your hot broth, your porky balls and your nicely poached noodles... Uhuk uhuk... (sabar... kolok mi contains high calories)

We spend a lot of eating time in the pantry too. Caught this image while having morning break, my all time favourite, Mee Maggi Kari. KAMI TABIK!!!!!! *Maggi Rocks!

"I'm Sasha Fierce, fierce or not? Look properly-lah... " - Aline with Great Grandma from Lundu

As usual tonight I'm gonna visit my parents at Kota Samarahan. I miss my niece, Ashlyn Cassandra. Hi si Aline Aline,... Aline, Aline aunty misses you... Sho tiuuttt.... Hik hik hik! *baby talk. OMG OMG OMG! Darling hubby called to remind that we have an appointment with Jak t his evening at gym. Yah, after all that yummylicious artery blockers finally the fat had to be burn out.

5:25 p.m. another call came.

The gym session was cancelled. Hahahahahah!!!!! Happy Weekends to everyone, and happy public holiday too!! Malaysia will be on Maulidur Rasul's public holiday on Monday which means we skip the Monday Blues period. Dowh!!

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

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