
Friday, March 13, 2009


Had our internal meeting this afternoon. Started at 2:30 p.m. and ended two hours later. I managed to capture these pics because I'm the Secretary, of course! And I sit next to Chairman that is Mr. Boss to take minutes of meeting. Luckily, I grabbed Viveanty to be the second minutes taker because I wrongly pressed the MP4 Recorder button. When I replayed back the recording, it was from other meeting. *DowH!!

Before punching out we had a modest tea break because...

Seem, Mariam, Julazman and I are celebrating our birthdays together today! Yiippie yay to the Pisceans! Don't read the horoscope, the four of us, we actually have different personalities.

Yes, I'll be 31 next week. *BLEK* And by the way, the cake looks so retro! Yea, a blast from 80's I suppose.

p/s: Happy weekends readers!

.. Co k e l a t r a w k Z ..

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