
Tuesday, March 24, 2009



GOOD.GIRL tagged me. Arrrgghh! Thanks sista. It's tagging fever now so you have to answer if tagged.

1. Orang luar sana tak kenal kamuh. Perjelaskan siapa kamuh?
Who? Me? An ordinary oriental career woman with extraordinary affection, appetite and appearance.

2. Sikap kamuh yang 'mantap'?

  • Easy Going
  • Fun Loving
  • Positive Thinking
  • Multi Tasking

3. Sikap kamuh yang sangat jelek?
Jelek? Bad sides?

  • Snacking
  • Overspending
  • Bad temper
  • Lawak bodoh

4. Apa gajet yang sentiasa kamuh bawak?
Handphone & PDA

5. Dah berapa HP kamuh pakai selama neh? Senaraikan brands nye. Jenama HP yang sedang kamuh gunakan sekarang?
>My first handphone was bought way back in 2001 and that time the rocking brand was SIEMENS. Then, I bought NOKIA, PANASONIC, SONY ERICSSON, MINI ATOM O2, AND NOW SAMSUNG.

6. Siapa bestfriend kamuh?
Bestest friend is hubby. You don't put 's' so I listed one person.

7. Siapa yang kamuh sayang selain family kamuh? Kenapa kamuh sayang dia?
All my friends who have been around me after all these years with trust and love.

8. Lagik 10 tahun kamuh jadi apa?
  • a 41 years old loving mommy to a 19 years old beautiful daughter
  • still the best P.A. for my boss with a bit wrinkles
  • a middle-aged lady with better , managed anger, in control

9. Kata-kata hikmah yang pernah kamuh dengar & paling kamuh suka?
"If you can't do it, you still have to it.. but do it slowly because eventually you will complete it.." My mom says this. No wonder lah I'm so slow sometimes Mak oii..

10. Dalam blog kamu, sudah ada berapa followers?
20 perhaps.

11. Senaraikan followers yang paling kamuh suka? (Tak kira kuantiti). Kenapa?
Hah?? I can't tell, it's quite bias.

12. Makhluk Tuhan Paling Hot yang mahu di tag:

Kamulah makhluk Tuhan yang Tercipta yang Paling Sexy..... Auuww auuwww!! Siapa donk?? Iya iyalah kamu lah!! Yang ngebaca ini blog, apa budeg apa bego, iya! Kamu!! Jangan marah donk say, bercanda cuman.

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