
Monday, March 16, 2009


It's lunchtime. I'm hungry and sleepy. I wanna sleep. Suddenly I remember my girl at home and I chuckled when I recalled how funny she was last night.

As parents, we can't run away from weird questions being asked by our kiddos. My girl, Gabriella oh, she loves to ask extraordinary questions that will blow you out of this world! I would like to share here some of her trivia questions I got recently.

Gabby: Mama, why God is wearing nothing?? *pointing to Jesus statue in church.
Me: Errrkk.. I will answer you after the Mass, now just keep quiet. :p
Gabby: OK Mama.

Gabby: Papa, what is 'dating'?
Papa: Heh!! Don't ask me that! I don't want to answer....
Gabby: Hehee...

Gabby: Mama, where are there going? *Pointing to the choir group.
Me: Changing their close and go to home.
Gabby: Ohhh.. they go back to heaven kah? :D :D

Gabby: Mama, what is that that thing at hanging at Sam's 'pepek'? (boy's private part)
Me: Hehhhhh!!!! You peep Sam kah?!!
Gabby: Nooo.. it looks funny... it's hanging.*Giggles

Adoi anak.. sometimes your mother and father really left stumbled by your questions.....

.. Co k e l a t r a w k Z ..

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