
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today's Sermon from 1 Cor 16:5-9

What a wonderful set of services we had this morning! Worship was sweet and response to the sermon this morning was unexpectedly moving. That's how it works, though. The ones I think are going to be real heavy hitters never are. The ones I fret over and feel are weak are always the ones God uses more powerfully. It just goes to show that I know very little when it comes to these things.

For a very quick recap, the three main points from this passage in Paul's response to the Corinthians were:

1. As children of God, we should have a plan. A plan on how we are going to use the resources and blessings God has given us

2. Whatever plan we make, we will encounter obstacles. They are opportunities placed there by God…and we should embrace them.

3. Our reaction to those obstacles…whether it is godly or self centered….. is reflected in our conduct

The full audio of the sermon has been posted on the WBF website. You can hear it here.

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