
Monday, March 23, 2009




Being a Personal Assistant, I couldn't run away from receiving unwanted, ruthless, painstaking calls. I had one today while juggling with stressful Monday. You see, if you're working with civil service it's a big NO NO for you to shriek and yell back at this type of caller. I learn this so called methodology from my previous boss, "JUST REPEAT THE SAME DIALOGUE & IF HE PUSHES YOU MORE, JUST REPEAT THE SAME DIALOGUE". I have a friend, 'H' who screamed at one Y.B. on the phone, this incident took place 8 years ago. You know right, when the Parliamentary sitting is coming, those Y.B.s will chase certain departments to demand some explanation or answer on any issue. Well 'H' at that time was pregnant with her first child; and I have to warn you to be careful with pregnant lady. They are more fierce than a tigress. She yelled at the Y.B. like this, "If you want to do your political thing, you better do at other places, this is an office!!" and slammed down the phone. Cool. She was called up by our Director then, which is not cool but was excused with a reason - she's new. *LOL*

Well, we back to my story. This man, with a very harsh tone and sounded jerky demanded a report from me. I can't tell you who is he and what report that he demanded because I know Sarawakians will know, the incident just happened last few weeks and was published in the front page of local tabloid. I call it tabloid because firstly the reporter simply made the story super sensationally and secondly he made us look stupid and reckless. It's not a big news actually but they made it BIG. OK. This fellow is not a Y.B. He is just a normal human like us but telling everyone that he knows some big shots. Interesting?

"Now you better tell me where is THE REPORT???!!! I've been waiting your call from morning till now but you didn't call me. I demand my REPORT!!"

"You... you so lanjiao, eeeeiii I'm so tension today you know. This stimulous package runs me wild and doesn't stimulate me enough. You dare talk to me rough I poke your nose with these two fingers.. you want anot???"

Hahaha!! I just made it up. I'm not that rude as he is to me. I just answer him politely with a smile on my face and repeating my answer. He was getting fed-up actually and finally left his handset numbers and demanded me to return his call tomorrow.

I can't elaborate more here, you know right people nowadays love to sue here and there. I don't want to be charged under the "Akta Komunikasi dan Media" and tak pasal-pasal have to pay RM10,000. Where to get money? Cabut bulu????? Hahahahah...

I am setting a new strategy tomorrow because I know he would be harsher. This time I will try to sound naughty and chuckles while talking to him. Sounds crazy right? Well, I'll do that tomorrow! Yayy!!

"Sir, I won't stop till you STOP, too."

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