
Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have to battle with time to update my blog. As it's getting more readers day by day, I find it's hard to be creative enough. Writing needs inspiration. No inspiration the creativity is a total fuss and blocked. :D

Mom woke up at 4:30 a.m. after hearing the clucking sounds of her chicken 2 days ago. She ignored it but my sis, Cynthia heard it again around 5:00 a.m. so she told her husband about it. When her husband torched the nearby coop with a torchlight he can' t believe his eyes when he saw this!

This picture was MMS-ed to me by sis.

OMGWTF the hell is that python doing in my Mom's chicken coop? It already swallowed one chick and was about to swallow another chicken, which it didn't have chance to do so. My brother-in-law knocked its head with a 'parang' and handed it over to his friend who excitedly accept it with RM30.00 notes in exchange. Free delicacies for them. :0

How big it is? 10 feet in length and perhaps it's weighing around 10kgs.

Big eh?

*so geli!!!

p/s: Dear hubby, no reptiles are allowed to enter my wok. Over my fat body. Don't ever dream about it. Serious. Anang ka berangan ngempa sawa ba rumah. Still remember what happened to me last year? Asal nuan bisi cukup fund for me to eat outside. :p

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

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