
Sunday, March 8, 2009


Last Saturday, we went to Mae's house for BBQ. To note it was to celebrate the guys efforts and sweats prior to recording their demo. Oh oh, we missed Tirai AF's concert but never mind though, can still catch next week.

One roasted wing ready, two roasted wings entering their tummies! "Deyy Tambiii!! Bila mau makan daaaaaaaaaa.." :p

Syrile and hubby took charge of BBQ-ing, err should I say including the food tasting/testing/trying/sampling/stealing?

Some of delicacies presented on the table. I didn't have time to cook Mee Goreng so I asked uncle char mee at King Centre to fry me sweet fried noodles. Yum. Oh ya, Mork also cooked fried beehoon and marinated the chicken wings and sausages. Yum Yum. Oh yes, that Huda Beers we bought at Tabuan Dayak??? Yum yum yum!!! *LOL*

When all the tummies stuffed, it was time to make some donations and wasting some coins for BANDATTTTT!!! Bandat??? Yes, it's a local Poker game I suppose. :p

My beloved husband. *Rolling eyes. How determined he was to self-appoint himself as the 'banker' that he took the coin holder from our car. *LOL*

Aisehhh. Mork is already sweating. Miss Loly is running out of her coins. Why sweating Mork? Hehehe.. bankrap already meh? Heeehehee... Nda patut!

While the husband is busy distributing the card, his boring wife busy.....

Camwhoring and eating as much as she could to prevent her eyes from going ZZZzzzzz..... *what a reason to give. Haha!! We finished by 2:15 a.m. in the morning. Phewww!!!!!!!!!!

.. Co k e l a t r a w k Z ..

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