
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I'm not a good-mood-in-the-morning-person. Don't ever greet me good morning or even smile at me. I will completely ignore you. But when I need your help in the morning and you refuse me......

Note: You know how it is like when a phat lady goes mad, got it?

I declare warrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warrrr!!!!!!! Yaaagggghhhh, warrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!

I am human with strategies and tactics... :p

For starter, I ate this for dinner yesterday (after office hour) for I refused to cook and if I have to, well I'm gonna cook the most hot, spicy unbearably oily fatty food hahahahaa.. Gabby? Don't worry, her plate is a princess's plate, always filled with good food.

What I want was to send my girl to school for it was 6:35 a.m. and we're still not ready because we had problem with our alarm clock. It's nothing wrong with that when we were asking for help to send Gabby to school. You know how strict her school is when it comes to tardiness. But must you act like you're deaf and pretend that you know nothing and drank your coffee in the kitchen, as if nothing was happened. Ok.. fine! "ingat aaahh.. aku ingat OK??"

Another issue. Story no. 2. This is my seldomly used so-called hair dryer. This is made for human being, not for cats. Cats can use it once a while but make sure to return it to the owner after used.

.... but you know, typical Iban. Returning stuff after it half-ruined. Can you see the plug? Can you see how ruined my plug is?????

Should I angry or not???

Do I reserve to be mad or not???

Whenever I say this out loud, someone will scream and punch either the door or table. I know, I understand when you have to choose between your WIFE & PARENTS. I am to blame. DOWH!*

Is it hard to BE CIVILIZED?

1. When people asking for help and you can't fulfill it, reject NICELY.

2. When you want to use things, ask for permission and before returning it back, please ensure that EVERYTHING is in good condition.

3. Please KNOCK the BEDROOM DOOR before entering a bedroom, especially the one belongs to MARRIED COUPLE. There are more secrets than stupid sex happening and scattering inside. Don't simply dash in and sit on the chair!!!!!!!

4. When you are 57, act like one. You are not 37, I repeat, you are not 37!!!!!!! So don't bother yourself to open my catalogues before me touching it first. All ITEMS IN THE ENVELOPE HANDED BY POSTMAN IS CONFIDENTIAL. Don't act like you're still in your youth, anticipatingly waiting for new lipsticks and new nail color in the market. I'm the much younger one never paint my nail. *DOWH!

.. I am asking you again... AM I WRONG TO BE MAD????? I guess it's hard for Miss Independent when she's married to Mommy's Boy.

P/S: I will be the next Azwan Ali if my life is continuingly blogged like this...... Hahhahaha...

.. Co k e l a t r a w k Z ..

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