
Monday, March 2, 2009


No comment. I was in rushed and the makeover was zero. *LOL Posing ala mak hayyam, vollay?

Last Saturday we witnessed the matrimonial ceremony cum dinner of our beloved friend, Mr. Jenging Unya and his bride, Ms. Martina Tarang. It is an awaited event for some of us since Jenging is the last, the last Mohican's (Mat Rempit, hahahaha..) to wed! Some of my hubby's friends, all the ex-Mat Rempits were present. How sweet to see them all came with ehem ehem, their Mrs. Yes, I call them Mat Rempits for their ultimate passions of racing and modifying their motorbikes back in late 90's. Now, most of them already married with kids. *Apai urang you.... Hahhhaa.... =))

The repentances with their wives. Hahahah!!

Jenging looks dashingly smashing while Martina is smiling elegantly in her pink wedding dress. They make a sweet couple. Sho shweeetttt!!!!

Uncle and aunty with their new 'besan' and menantu! Jenging's father is standing at most right and his mom is the one in red 'kebaya'. Our families are actually very closed, family friends you could call it.

The night was memorable. Jenging's sister, Linda who is in her first trimester commented to us, "Can't wait for Jenging so I had to 'langkah bendul' hihihi.." Yes, it is true. Some facts that made his wedding the most awaited are:

  • He's the only bachelor left. Now he's tied forever. Hahahhahah!!
  • He was our witness when we tied our knots, in front of the Marriage Registrar at Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara and tonight we witness his ceremony. What a blessed night.
  • We married on 29th Feb 2000 while he's on 28th Feb 2009. Coincident huh?
  • Martina's father was my Bahasa Iban's teacher in high school.
  • The night commemorated the ninth year of our togetherness.

We excused ourselves at 10:40 p.m. and went down. My heart skipped a beat when I saw my hubby shook hand with one smart looking man. He introduced himself as his buddy Mr. S. I recalled my hubby high school's stories and apparently he is one of his best friends when they were still studying in Sunny Hill College. Habislah, (we're finished)... I told myself. Yes, we were 'habis' when he dragged us to join another function downstairs and we had a glass of Chivas each before fled away with dizziness.

OK. Two functions a night & yet we missed to attend our new family member, Dixon's birthday at Latino. I can't help it. :p :p

I hate it when I'm tipsy. It made me feel hungrier. We dropped by at Tabuan Jaya and had a bowl of Kolok Mee. Yum Yum. Thank goodness. Kolok Mee heals better than a glass of Bloody Mary. Please take note kaki² botol Sarawak, will you? *LOL*.

Supposedly, we had BBQ party to celebrate our wedding anniversary but since we were invited to our friend's wedding where the families are very close , why should we say NO? By the way, did we enjoy ourselves?

From the story you know it. Yes, we did.

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

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