
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Review: "Culture Shift" by Al Mohler

I just finished Dr. Mohler's "Culture Shift". I believe it's an important new book on the culture surrounding the church today.

Mohler's writing style is similar to his speaking style, he is very well organized and there's a lot of information that comes at you pretty quickly but in a compelling albeit somewhat academic manner.

The book takes a look at our culture, why it is the way it is and how it got here. While it is an objective analysis of the priorities and motivations of our society, Mohler stops short of suggesting that the message we bring be changed to accommodate the people around us. Instead, he prefers to give a deeper understanding of the hearts of the people in and around us in an effort to more effectively minister to them.

It's a powerful, insightful and valuable tool to the church today. I would highly recommend it. But every good book has at least one gem, one jewel to render up. This one has two of them. I would encourage any parent, particularly Christian parents, to pick it up and pay very close attention to Chapters 11 and 12 concerning the public school system and the raising of our children. There are some amazing in sights and observations in both Chapters.

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