
Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A few items of interest from around the blogosphere:

  • A fascinating comparison between cockroaches and guilt from Mark Altrogge over at The Blazing Center
  • Phil Johnson comments on an article, "Evangelicalism Down the Drain". This is well worth a few moments to read. It was posted on Pyromaniacs.
  • An audio recording of an interview with William Young, author of The Shack. Fascinating and revealing regarding Young's views on God and theology. He feels that, "Hell is not a real place...." (later on he reverses this statement). He also thinks it would be "nice" if God could find a way to save everyone. Ultimately, he says, "I am not a penal, substitutionary punishment, reformed guy....I don't think it was necessary for the Father to punish the Son." This one is worth listening to through to the end in particular, Dr. Mohler's comments at the very end.

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