
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Review: "Culture Shift" by Al Mohler

I just finished Dr. Mohler's "Culture Shift". I believe it's an important new book on the culture surrounding the church today.

Mohler's writing style is similar to his speaking style, he is very well organized and there's a lot of information that comes at you pretty quickly but in a compelling albeit somewhat academic manner.

The book takes a look at our culture, why it is the way it is and how it got here. While it is an objective analysis of the priorities and motivations of our society, Mohler stops short of suggesting that the message we bring be changed to accommodate the people around us. Instead, he prefers to give a deeper understanding of the hearts of the people in and around us in an effort to more effectively minister to them.

It's a powerful, insightful and valuable tool to the church today. I would highly recommend it. But every good book has at least one gem, one jewel to render up. This one has two of them. I would encourage any parent, particularly Christian parents, to pick it up and pay very close attention to Chapters 11 and 12 concerning the public school system and the raising of our children. There are some amazing in sights and observations in both Chapters.

Monday, March 30, 2009



****************************************************** I'm quite an active thinker should you agree with me despite my passive life sitting on my desk 24-7. This will last till my sleeping time. Oh yes, I hate it, I hate it when I'm talking in my sleep. It is confirmed by my hubby himself that sometimes he caught me giggling like a 'Langsuir' at 3:00 a.m. and gave him the greatest freak! Gah! Yes, sometimes I sing too. The worst part when I started to speak in languages like English and Indonesian. There was one time, I jumped from my bed when I realized that I cursed in my sleep by saying, "Anjrit elo!" (Damn you!). *LOL*

My hubby once hit my back, in a rolling motion as if he's rolling the drums. Fortunately I was facing the wall and not him. I don't even dare to think what would happen to my face if I was facing him. Broken nose and bruised eyes?

Special video for you. My bro, Rodriguez gave me the link.

I can't help to laugh like crazy to see the spoilt dog in this video even after 100,000th times watching it.

Have fun everyone!




blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comThe next Colbie Caillat! To hear her singing you can check the previous entry.

Auuwwhh she was sick.... This picture was taken 3 weeks ago. She lost her appetite and only relied on Curry flavoured Maggi Mee to survive. Oh yes, help also came in the form of 100 Plus bottles.

Resting on the couch. She's getting better here.

Before going to church, 2 days ago. Notice her longer, slimmer face? Her tummy also 'kempis' (shrunk) a bit.

I don't have any recording of her doing the Radio DJ stuff. Oh, she loves pretending herself as a DJ. I know my girl will eventually inherit the 'blood' from us. The way she scrums her toy guitar, the way she adjusts her vocal and her excellent PR. There is now way for me to hold her back from doing those stuff in the future but education must come first.

I still remember how fun it was to sing and as a child singer, I have been exposed to so-called 'glamour' world too early. I sang on stages all over the city in the mid 80's and 90's. My first debut was in 1987, I sang 'MULANYA DI SINI', a duet with my senior who was at that time in Primary 4. From there, I appeared on radio programmes like Pok Amai Amai in 1988 and Bintang Kecil Kuching Level 1990. There were more actually especially on local stages.

During secondary school, there was no sign of slowing down. Mom at that time was worried with the upcoming PMR but I was telling her I will do good and won't neglect my studies. The newsbreaking of me wanted to participate in BINTANG REMAJA stirred my parents feud. I was rebellious but when I thought back of their sacrification, I denied my intention.

Time passed by, I had another interest taking over my singing career. Writing. Yes, I love to write. My breakthru in writing came to my parents amusement in 1990 when I won an essay writing competition organised by SHELL. I blew other schools away and grabbed the 1st prize which came in cash money and books. The rest was history. 1995, I was appointed as the Chief Editor for school magazine and led a bunch of nerds publishing Seri Muara 05. Alas! I didn't really write after SPM, the writings that I did were mostly for my assignments when I entered UiTM.

Today, I am back on the track and still catching up and polishing my skills. I must read more like I did in the past. Oh, FYI my genre was Malay fiction so as you can read here, my English isn't actually as good as other English bloggers. Found a scrapbook last few weeks. When I flipped thru, I saw my daughter's writings. OMG! She wrote a story, a crappy one. I bet you guys are gonna laugh out loud to hear the storyline.

... it's about the Powerpuff Girls. Bubble, Blossom and Buttercup fight trio! At the end of the story one of them was .. hmm kissing Joe Jonas??? OMG! Hillarious. One day I will scan and paste her works in my blog for you guys to see.


Saturday, March 28, 2009




Saturday just passed by like that. I supposed to follow hubby to Hilton Hotel for the 'Poisse' Marine Collagen launching. Yeah, I know it's kinda boring, I hope he understands the reasons why I didn't want to join him. I wanted to go for it's something good for my Beauty Blog but I just felt lazy and at the same time, I was still stucked on the 'OGRE' movie and Ryan Kennedy (inset pic) was in! What a hottie!! FIL went to Lubok Antu to follow my BIL, we didn't cook for dinner but having fried noodles instead. Very nice one from King's Centre. Oh yes, we watched AF7 too!

As usual, HAFIZ didn't disappoint us and sorry if we don't mention Aishah and Claudia. I can't elaborate more here, for I know some people especially my own people will condemn me if I give reasons for not supporting the two lasses. Hafiz is honest and talented. We never knew him before, who the hell Hafiz was until the day he sang "LAGU KITA", OMG! His voice, I love his clarity when he reaches high notes. This boy I tell you can really SING and GO FAR! Why not? Yah, that was my what? 10 cents? 2 cents? B-) Anyway, Obri and Rini went home last night. So rugi... sayangkan I heard that Obri is actually working with a bank. Betul ke? Hmmm.. whatever.

Today, I fried Nasi Goreng with a great hope that my darling will take us out before going to church later on. Ciss.. masakan ku sia-sia rupanya. Nasi goreng licin but my proposal was rejected. Anyway, never mind, after Evensong Mass this massive Lady Commander must be taken for a lavish dinner. We're thinking to return back to Simply Sedap but my lil bunch of sweetheart demanded Pizza Hut. Ok, done. I need to clean my bedroom. It looks like a sunken Titanic at the moment.

I Need a Make Over

The other day I took my 17 year old son to a specialist about his knee. Both doctors that checked out his knee thought I was my son's sister. They didn't believe I was his mom.

The older guy doctor even had the nerve to ask my age.

I am an old fashioned type girl. There are two things you never ask a lady...her age and her weight. I don't care if you're a doctor or not. He wasn't my doctor and my age had nothing to do with anything.

OK, some of you are probably thinking that it is totally cool to be mistaken for someone so young. Yeah it can be a good thing but career wise it sucks. It also sucks for many other reasons.

  • Sales people ignore me or treat me crappy because they don't think I am going to buy anything or that I'm old enough to buy anything.
  • I get carded for everything. I got carded at the mall one day. (Our mall has a rule no one under 18 is allowed without an adult at certain times of day) Anyway, I got freakin carded at the mall.
  • When my husband and I went to vote, everyone totally ignored me and talked to him about candidates and gave him fliers.
  • When it comes to jobs, sales and professional stuff I really never get taken seriously. It kinda sucks.

Don't get me wrong. I love the fact that I look young. I just wish I could look young and still be taken seriously.

I have no desire to look like an old woman so I don't dress like one. When I have something important to do I put on business type clothes but usually I am in jeans and some type of girly top, whether it's a tight t-shirt or a tunic or a babydoll t-shirt. That's what I wear. I don't think I look like a teenager or someone in my twenties. And I sure don't act like it. The drama...never want to go back to all that.

Anyway...on with my look. I have tons of naturally wavy hair that is wash and dry on its own styled. I don't do much with it. It takes to long. To style my hair I need a good two hours to blow dry and curl the stuff...yes it is so thick it takes that long, I know I used to do it a lot before my youngest was born now I don't have the time or energy.

I am not a fashionista or a high maintenance type of woman. But I would like to look a little more sophisticated or something. Just so people don't mistake me for being...I don't know my son's sister or something his girlfriend (that is just gross by the way, that's my son, my first born, I changed his diapers). There's a story behind that one. One day just me and my boys were out. The little guy was only about a year at the time. The boys look a lot a like, they both have blond hair and blue eyes unlike my dark haired dark eyed daughter. A lady actually thought my oldest and I were the parents of the little guy. Talk about my kids needing therapy later!

I just don't know how to look more sophisticated- which I need to do soon once I start doing more book promotion and platform building for my next books. Clothes alone don't seem to do it, I just feel and look like a kid playing dress up.

My problem is that I am short, 5'2" and I have a cherub's face. An eternally youthful cherub face. I get it from my mom and grandma. My mom is almost 72, never ever would you believe it by looking at her. You might think 55 tops. My grandma died in her eighties without a wrinkle on her face. It's good genetics.

So anyone got ideas, tips, tricks, or products that may help me keep my youthful glow while looking more like a sophisticated grown up?

Friday, March 27, 2009




This black dress is so famous. Evergreen glam I should call it. Breakfast At Tiffany's most elegant black dress.

Holly Golightly (AUDREY HEPBURN) lives in a brownstone on Manhattan's swank East Side. Totally madcap, she has a partially furnished apartment, owns a cat with no name, gets rid of the "mean reds" by visiting Tiffany's jewelry store, and is forever misplacing her door key, much to the dismay of her upstairs neighbor Mr. Yunioshi (MICKEY ROONEY), a Japanese photographer. Holly makes her living in two ways: she receive $50 from her gentlemen escorts whenever she needs powder room money, and she is paid $100 for each weekly trip she makes to Sing Sing Prison, where she visits Sally Tomato (ALAN REED), an ex-mobster.

One day Paul Varjak (GEORGE PEPPARD), a young writer who is supported by an older woman nicknamed "2E" (PATRICIA NEAL), comes into Holly's life. Following one of Holly's wild cocktail parties hosted by her Hollywood agent, O.J. Berman (MARTIN BALSAM), Paul unexpectedly meets Doc Golightly (BUDDY EBSEN), a gentle Texan whom Holly married when she was only 15 years old. Holly explains to Paul that the marriage was annulled long ago, and he helps her send the heartbroken Doc away.

After a day on the town together, Paul realizes that he is in love with Holly and proposes to her; but she is determined to marry José (VILALLONGA), a South American millionaire. However, when it is publicly revealed that Holly has been innocently carrying narcotics ring information from Sally Tomato to his New York associates, the stuffy José abandons her. Furious at everything and everyone, Holly kicks Cat out of her taxicab into the rain and decides to leave town for Brazil, but Paul lectures her and then goes out to find Cat. Holly realizes how much she is giving up and races through the wet New York streets to a happy reunion with Paul and Cat.

It's 3:54 a.m. in the morning when I'm typing this. I had nothing to do and I didn't feel sleepy yet so I watched Breakfast At Tiffany's on YouTube. Yeah, free movie all night long. *grin :D Audrey Hepburn (not Hepbrumm...) is so damn cute and cool, gila-gila type while the man, George Peppard is hunky and dashing. Oh, I love the song called Moon River that was played at the end of the movie. Dont' worry, Buble, you still sing it better.

I love the last part, I played it over and over again. It is when Paul proposed Holly and then she ran out of the cab in the falling rain, calling and looking for her cat named.. well excuse me Sir, her cat's name is 'CAT'.

... Can't help to laugh to see this... Can you see Cat is sandwiched between the two lovers. Nahhh, now Cat will get a new daddy and mommy won't be alone and cranky again.

Actually, this movie was hard to digest in the early scenes. Yeah, Hepburn's acccent gave me a bum! Why did I say so? For me, she's like grumbling when actually she's talking, struggle. to talk. It's like a combination of English accent when it meets American. I hate to repeat this once again. She's cute, so cute. Yes, from what I understood Holly is a socialite but for me she's a head spinner high shot's escort, a high class excort. She's living they way she wants and she knows how to look for money.

I would like to give this romantic comedy, 4 stars.




Bosses are away, the coolies are out to play. Nay, we promised to play 'masak-masak' in the kitchen yesterday's afternoon. Well, Vivian brought some rice grains and home made 'Sambal Belachan'. Suri bought some tapioca leaves, that is cooked and also raw cangkuk manis for me to cook. Finally, I brought a can of sardines and sweet corn. Oh ya, a packet of Knorr's chicken cube. Complete.

I took charge to cook the sardines and the 'Cangkuk Manis' by 11:15 a.m. Thanks to the bosses who have gone to Mukah/Daro/Dalat and I've got free time to do it. Simple. Just press the button at the Microwave. All took less than half an hour to cook.

My plate. Warm 'kampung' rice with cangkuk manis, tapioca leaves, sardines and not forgetting, Sambal Belachan! After the 'holy', not sinful dish, my SIL and I went to Carmelite Chapel to pray and followed by a visit to Hock Lee Centre, just taking a peek a boo on some purses. Yes, we love purses and wristlets so much. Didn't buy any but just satisfied by touching some. :p Hillarious.

Thursday, March 26, 2009




After reading the NST yesterday, I still believe and have faith in going to gym next week. I understand now that there is no shortcut to success. Darling, I will follow your call to the gym. I will sacrifice this body to be laughed in public as long as I don't go for liposuction.

To the family of the victim, I extend my deepest sympathy to you all. Be strong and let the justice do it thingy.

La Hora Del Planeta


Los invito a formar parte de La Hora Del Planeta, se preguntaran: ¿Qué es eso? Ps es un movimiento internacional el cual tiene como objetivo hacer conciencia sobre el cambio climatico debido a nuestro uso excesivo de energia electrica, contaminacion, etc, etc, etc.

Se preguntaran ¿Comó puedo formar parte de esto? Basicamente es esto: Apagar la luz este 28 de marzo de 8:30 a 9:30 p.m.; realmente es muy facil contribuir, y ni siquiera cuesta. Vamos difundan este mensaje entre sus familiares, conocidos y amigos. ¡Y dejemos descansar una hora al planeta!

Mas información aquí.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This cafe always strikes attention everytime I pass by Tun Jugah Road. "Kopi Kupi Cafe" as it's named, it carries the meaning of, "Coffee Cafe". "Kupi" is the way how we Iban pronounce it. I think Sabahan also pronounce coffee as "kupi" too.

We had the chance to sample the 'dinner' specialities since we arrived after 6 p.m. then everyone decided to try. Hubby and I ordered the 'Honey Chicken Chop' with Black Pepper sauce for me and Mushroom sauce for him. While, my SIL, Melissa ordered Grilled Fish and Mushroom Soup.

Overall, the taste was awesome! I love the salad, I guess they mixed the mayonaisse with evaporated milk. Yummy. Yah, I prefer vinaigrette but this kind of dressing, sinfully delicious. *crossfinger.

Overall bills kaching! RM 41++. Cool. I wasn't satisfied with the portion of the chicken chop. Food Network and Bombastic Cafe serve bigger portion.

Yeap. My lunch today. RM4.50 for two types of meat and Cangkuk Manis quite overpriced to me. But who cares when your tummy is swaying in 'dangdut' beat after 12 noon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009



GOOD.GIRL tagged me. Arrrgghh! Thanks sista. It's tagging fever now so you have to answer if tagged.

1. Orang luar sana tak kenal kamuh. Perjelaskan siapa kamuh?
Who? Me? An ordinary oriental career woman with extraordinary affection, appetite and appearance.

2. Sikap kamuh yang 'mantap'?

  • Easy Going
  • Fun Loving
  • Positive Thinking
  • Multi Tasking

3. Sikap kamuh yang sangat jelek?
Jelek? Bad sides?

  • Snacking
  • Overspending
  • Bad temper
  • Lawak bodoh

4. Apa gajet yang sentiasa kamuh bawak?
Handphone & PDA

5. Dah berapa HP kamuh pakai selama neh? Senaraikan brands nye. Jenama HP yang sedang kamuh gunakan sekarang?
>My first handphone was bought way back in 2001 and that time the rocking brand was SIEMENS. Then, I bought NOKIA, PANASONIC, SONY ERICSSON, MINI ATOM O2, AND NOW SAMSUNG.

6. Siapa bestfriend kamuh?
Bestest friend is hubby. You don't put 's' so I listed one person.

7. Siapa yang kamuh sayang selain family kamuh? Kenapa kamuh sayang dia?
All my friends who have been around me after all these years with trust and love.

8. Lagik 10 tahun kamuh jadi apa?
  • a 41 years old loving mommy to a 19 years old beautiful daughter
  • still the best P.A. for my boss with a bit wrinkles
  • a middle-aged lady with better , managed anger, in control

9. Kata-kata hikmah yang pernah kamuh dengar & paling kamuh suka?
"If you can't do it, you still have to it.. but do it slowly because eventually you will complete it.." My mom says this. No wonder lah I'm so slow sometimes Mak oii..

10. Dalam blog kamu, sudah ada berapa followers?
20 perhaps.

11. Senaraikan followers yang paling kamuh suka? (Tak kira kuantiti). Kenapa?
Hah?? I can't tell, it's quite bias.

12. Makhluk Tuhan Paling Hot yang mahu di tag:

Kamulah makhluk Tuhan yang Tercipta yang Paling Sexy..... Auuww auuwww!! Siapa donk?? Iya iyalah kamu lah!! Yang ngebaca ini blog, apa budeg apa bego, iya! Kamu!! Jangan marah donk say, bercanda cuman.

How Does God Measure Success?

This was posted over at Blazing Center today:

What makes a successful Christian? Who’s number one on God’s “most impressive Christian” list? Is it:

* The mega-church pastor who preaches six times on Sundays, writes chart-topping books, and has his own podcast with really cool rock music (probably U2) at the beginning? Maybe.

* The children’s ministry volunteer who dispenses fifty-three pounds of goldfish crackers to sweaty three-year olds every Sunday? Maybe.

* The homeschooling mom who deals with large volumes of laundry and baby poop on a daily basis? Maybe.

In Matthew 25:14-28 Jesus spells out a blueprint for success that’s very different from our standard definitions of success. You know the story. A master is preparing for a journey and starts dishing out the Benjamin’s to his servants.

The first servant gets five talents, the second gets two talents, and the third gets one talent. Servants one and two immediately hit the streets, putting their talents to work in the cause of the master. Servant number three digs a hole and buries his talent. The master returns.

Servant number one stands before his master and presents him with ten talents, a return of 100%. Servant number two? One-hundred percent ROI. Servant number three presents the master with a big fat nothing. He simply returns the talent he was given.

The response of the master is incredible. To the first two servants he says:

Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.

No reference to the numbers. No talk of the bottom line. The master highlights the faithfulness of the servants. You have been faithful over a little. That’s it.

A successful Christian is someone who faithfully uses their talents and circumstances to further the cause of God. Numbers don’t equal success. God is impressed with faithfulness. The faithful pastor of 20 is just as pleasing as the faithful pastor of 2,000. The faithful small group leader is just as pleasing as the faithful mega-conference worship leader. God doesn’t ask for big results, he just asks for faithfulness.

So the question of the day/year/century/eternity is: are you faithful?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lets Play the Comment game

Lets Play!

I foumd this game at

It’s very simple.

I start the game off by listing two words or phrases, like waffles or pancakes, and you pick the one you like better. You can explain why if you like.

Then you leave two more words or phrases for the next commenter to choose from. If someone derails the game, will someone please jump in and get it back on track? Thanks!

First comment: Facebook or Twitter?




Being a Personal Assistant, I couldn't run away from receiving unwanted, ruthless, painstaking calls. I had one today while juggling with stressful Monday. You see, if you're working with civil service it's a big NO NO for you to shriek and yell back at this type of caller. I learn this so called methodology from my previous boss, "JUST REPEAT THE SAME DIALOGUE & IF HE PUSHES YOU MORE, JUST REPEAT THE SAME DIALOGUE". I have a friend, 'H' who screamed at one Y.B. on the phone, this incident took place 8 years ago. You know right, when the Parliamentary sitting is coming, those Y.B.s will chase certain departments to demand some explanation or answer on any issue. Well 'H' at that time was pregnant with her first child; and I have to warn you to be careful with pregnant lady. They are more fierce than a tigress. She yelled at the Y.B. like this, "If you want to do your political thing, you better do at other places, this is an office!!" and slammed down the phone. Cool. She was called up by our Director then, which is not cool but was excused with a reason - she's new. *LOL*

Well, we back to my story. This man, with a very harsh tone and sounded jerky demanded a report from me. I can't tell you who is he and what report that he demanded because I know Sarawakians will know, the incident just happened last few weeks and was published in the front page of local tabloid. I call it tabloid because firstly the reporter simply made the story super sensationally and secondly he made us look stupid and reckless. It's not a big news actually but they made it BIG. OK. This fellow is not a Y.B. He is just a normal human like us but telling everyone that he knows some big shots. Interesting?

"Now you better tell me where is THE REPORT???!!! I've been waiting your call from morning till now but you didn't call me. I demand my REPORT!!"

"You... you so lanjiao, eeeeiii I'm so tension today you know. This stimulous package runs me wild and doesn't stimulate me enough. You dare talk to me rough I poke your nose with these two fingers.. you want anot???"

Hahaha!! I just made it up. I'm not that rude as he is to me. I just answer him politely with a smile on my face and repeating my answer. He was getting fed-up actually and finally left his handset numbers and demanded me to return his call tomorrow.

I can't elaborate more here, you know right people nowadays love to sue here and there. I don't want to be charged under the "Akta Komunikasi dan Media" and tak pasal-pasal have to pay RM10,000. Where to get money? Cabut bulu????? Hahahahah...

I am setting a new strategy tomorrow because I know he would be harsher. This time I will try to sound naughty and chuckles while talking to him. Sounds crazy right? Well, I'll do that tomorrow! Yayy!!

"Sir, I won't stop till you STOP, too."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today's Sermon from 1 Cor 16:5-9

What a wonderful set of services we had this morning! Worship was sweet and response to the sermon this morning was unexpectedly moving. That's how it works, though. The ones I think are going to be real heavy hitters never are. The ones I fret over and feel are weak are always the ones God uses more powerfully. It just goes to show that I know very little when it comes to these things.

For a very quick recap, the three main points from this passage in Paul's response to the Corinthians were:

1. As children of God, we should have a plan. A plan on how we are going to use the resources and blessings God has given us

2. Whatever plan we make, we will encounter obstacles. They are opportunities placed there by God…and we should embrace them.

3. Our reaction to those obstacles…whether it is godly or self centered….. is reflected in our conduct

The full audio of the sermon has been posted on the WBF website. You can hear it here.

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