
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jeff & Taylor Turner Fish 5050 - Day #15, 16 & 17


Vanakkam!! Namaste!!

Miss Coki found this new cafe located at King Centre. Hhhmm... Come, lets have a look!
Aye, aye sahab... Haha!

Yo Chef!! The Chef is purely imported from India. He's busy doing Roti Canai for customers. He already baked the Naan bread for us.

My drink for the day. Mango Lassi, aaahhh so frothy and the sourness is mild. Thumbs up! These lassi is best consumed during hot day, it will cool down your body heat.

Tandoori's Chicken. Only a few birds left since it's already dinner time and late. It's crunchy!

The Tandoori's Chicken plate. Refer to the previous Tandoori's Chicken for the image. *Haha!*

We love this! Naan bread with the curry and dhal's gravy. I also asked for extra Mutton Curry. *Bhekkkk bheekkkkk..* Eh, you should try the Naan, so crunchy outside but fluffy and sweet inside.

The following day, we visited the place again for lunch. Agik belalak kata urang Sarawak haahahah.... This time, we're lucky to try the Nasi Briyani. Achaaaa!!

Today's special. Just read the board, I don't bother to read. :p

Align Center

My Nasi Beriyani with Mutton. Oh, if I was eating at home that time, I would have gone replenishing it over and over again!! Sorry readers, my Poppadom was gone. I heart Poppadom so much.

Mr. Hubby's Chicken Briyani, look at the portion of rice. A 'rice hill' so high! OK no spoon for him because he preferred to use fingers. Very authentic method.

The price? We're charged for less than RM20.00. Cheap ain't it?


Una coleccion de caidas graciosas ignoren el ultimo video pero disfruten con las caidas y sustos que pasa la gente en este video.

Es como ver Ay Caramba!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Late entry, this is supposed to be, *giggle.

We dropped by at The Spring few weeks ago to buy Gabby's Barbie Rapunzel. Then when we looked at our watches it was already 7:00 p.m. so we tried to find a spot for dinner. "Why not we try something different today, we try fish!" Hubby suggested. So we entered this Manhattan Fish Market and decided to order the same dishes.

The starter, we have Fried Calamari. Quite oily, I was like searching up and down for tissues to pat dry the oil. The taste, hmmm.. plain. Even after we squeezed the lemon wedge. Don't worry, few sauces on the table would save the taste.

Chowder of the day. We're given corn chowder. I suddenly remember THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA movie. Remember when Andrea scooped the chowder? Nigel said it has what? 4 pounds extra fat in it? Nayy, lazy to refer back to the movie. Anyway, we move to the main course.

The so-called fish and chips. Presentation OK but taste, KO. TKO I would say. The reason why I managed to finish them because I was damn starving, to death, that level seriously. I tried everything on the table to 'modify' the taste - I put extra salt and pepper, I dipped in the sour cream. Yeah, at least it tasted better after that but not up to my expectation.

The drinks? We just had Ribena Sprite.

You will be surprised with the bills. Mr. Hubby had to fork out RM100 ++, which I can't remember how much the bill was.


Yah, I swear will never step in that place again. Haha!

Pots “R” Us (In special places) by Gardener Dave

There were a couple of problem areas in my yard where nothing seemed to grow well. I didn’t want to put a lot of work into them for reasons which I will explain. One location is in a far corner with a utility pole in it. The grade there is already a bit higher than my neighbor’s and would require a preliminary dig-out to put in a raised bed so as not to harm the fence. However, I kind of like the way my yard slopes gently up to that stage-like corner. The other reason for not putting in an extensive/expensive raised planter bed there - the plants would get pretty well destroyed if the “Power to the People” (Xcel) crew decided that major work is needed up the transformer pole, or (heaven forbid) the pole needs replacing. Since the corner was slightly elevated, I decided to put some “characters” on my little stage in the form of graduated-size terracotta pots. These I plant with annuals each spring. This year I put a row of Calibrachoas in front of the pots. The pots are filled with moisture-retaining potting soil and everything is watered by drip irrigation so maintenance is pretty much just fertilizing and a bit of deadheading. In the late fall I remove the annuals, let the pots go dry, and cover them with plastic to keep the soil dry so it doesn’t expand and crack the pots. If the Power People need to work there, at least they won’t be destroying perennials or an elaborate raised bed, and the pots can be moved.

The other problem area was below my deck in one end of a brick planter that was built at the same time as the house. It gets no direct sun. The light source there is primarily reflected light off the concrete driveway. This seems to be adequate for Impatiens and a few other shade plants. It looked bad, so I decided to give it the “graduated size pot treatment” also. There was room for only three “sized” pots, which I planted with New Guinea Impatiens, “Can Can” Coral Bells (Heuchera ‘Can Can’), and a “Little Lantern” Ligularia (Ligularia x hessei ‘Laternchen’) which I have not tried before. So far they all seem to be happy there. I wish I had a “before” picture to show you, as it’s like the expression “You Had to be There” to see what it was like originally, with Oregon Grape Holly trying to extend itself into those shady conditions from the middle of the planter. It got tall and lanky and very weedy-looking. Needless to say, it is no longer there. Good riddance!

Gardener Dave

Ten Cards have to go to Jennie's BLOG
there are directions you can download..
are these cute, or what !!!

Job and His Children

One of the main points of our sermon yesterday concerned the number of children Job has at the end of the book. Let me clarify just a bit.

In Job 1:2, we see that Job has 7 sons and three daughters. He loses all of them, tragically, in Job 1:19. This is shocking for a number of reasons. First we see that God has given Satan power over all of Job's belongings (Job 1:12). If that's not dire enough, in verse 19 we see that the power granted extends to Job's children as well.

We should not miss the fact that God is completely in control at all times, limiting Satan as to what he is able to do and what is not permitted. We should also keep in mind that the main point of Job's trouble is to prove that true, saving faith is based on the reality of who God is and not the extent that God blesses the believer. Satan's accusation in Job 1:9-11 was that Job was faithful only because God had blessed him so much. Once the blessing were removed, he claimed, the faith would go away as well.

God knew this was not true because He knew that the source of Job's faith was not Job....but God Himself. In other words, Job wasn't busy trying to conjure up more faith as he went through his trials, God had already granted Job the faith he needed to endure the hardships he was undergoing.

In any event, once Job has been sifted and has drawn closer to God, he is restored. The number of livestock we see in Job 1:3 is doubled in Job 42:12. He had 7,000 sheep in Ch 1 and has 14,000 sheep in Ch 42, 3,000 camels in Ch 1 and 6,000 camels in Ch 42, etc. But when it comes to the blessing of the children, we see in Job 42:13 that he now has 10 again. Shouldn't the blessing be 20 children to be consistent with the other blessings?

Bearing in mind that human spirits are eternal while there is no Scriptural evidence that animals are, here's what God was showing Job in this:

Job still had his all his children. He never really lost them.

Yes, they were separated by death and grief was an appropriate response to their separation. But that separation, in Job's case, was temporary. His first 10 children, because of the faith Job had passed on to them, were in heaven with God. Job had 10 more children right there with him on Earth. One day they would all be united before the throne of God in heaven and Job would clearly see that God had doubled the number of precious children he had as well.

God was showing Job that he had done a great job as a parent and his faith had been passed on to his children.

Sunday, June 28, 2009



Howdy everyone. am now busy with my job. Lately, I always complain about the city's heatiness and the weather, ugghh... Hey! But oIt's very cold in Kuching since last night and yet, I'm damn sleepy today. Yes, have been shi-shi and O-O few times today! Phoohhh!! Full detoxification after heavy drinking sessions, perhaps and thick makeup last Saturday. So, stay tuned for more stories, freshly from Miss Coki's desk.


Jeff & Taylor Turner Fish 5050 - Day #14

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Polishing God's Monuments

This quote from the book of the same name by Jim Andrews:

When the Lord's ways do not neatly conform to our pat little paradigms of what seems (to our fallible minds) right and just, and good and faithful, it says something about human nature that usually the first thought that comes to mind is that something is wrong with God. Somehow the last thing that occurs to us is that God is simply too big for our small boxes. It is imperative at such times that we learn to be humble, not haughty. God always deserves the benefit of the doubt. And, faith always pleads with us, "Dear soul, trust in God's power, trust God's wisdom, trust God's goodness, trust God's faithfulness--even though to your mixed-up, emotionally over-charged mind he doesn't seem to be living up to his resume or promises. Just do it anyways.

Christian common sense should also remind us that divine revelation is always a far more reliable barometer of reality that our personal perceptions, distorted as they are by how we think a moral and upright God is obliged to behave in this situation or that. Friends, my advice is this: discount personal feelings--rest in the biblical facts. Don't always be awash in how things seem; anchor your faith on how divine revelation says they are. Never allow blind emotions to float you off into the open sea of doubt.

With that adjustment, one can trust his goodness even when God may not seem to be good; one can trust his wisdom even when he may not seem to be wise; one can trust he is acting in character even when he may not seem to be measuring up to his own revealed profile; one can trust his power even when it seems he is weak; one can trust his faithfulness even when it seems he is not being faithful.

Mulching Around Trees

There is a very simple way to mulch around trees without killing the grass with glyphosate, digging up sod or using landscape cloth or plastic to smother the grass. Use newspaper instead! Four to six pages of newspaper with mulch on top will effectively kill the grass. Your trees will love not having to compete with grass for nutrients and water and the newspaper will decompose and continue to feed the tree. Newspapers use soy-based inks so there is no fear in harming the earth!

See how easy:

And voila! Ten minutes later:

Summer Vacation Tips from Jodi Helmer

Jodi Helmer, author of The Green Year: 365 Small Things You Can Do to Make a Big Difference, offers tips for green summer vacations.

The final school bell has rung, the sun is shining and temperatures are rising, which all add up to just one thing: summer vacation.

This summer, keep the environment in mind when making summer travel plans. It is possible to have a memorable beach vacation without harming the planet.

Jodi Helmer, author of The Green Year, offers the following tips for greening your summer vacation:

* Reserve a room at a “green” hotel: The Green Hotels Association ( has a list of hotels in every state that have implemented programs to conserve resources and reduce waste. During check-in, request that sheets and towels be changed only if they’re left on the floor and leave a note for the housekeeping staff asking that the air conditioning be turned off when you’re not in the room.

* Planes, trains or automobiles? Make the right choice: Carpooling in a fuel-efficient vehicle has the least impact on the environment (ask car rental companies about hybrid vehicles). On longer trips, consider taking the train instead of flying. A transcontinental flight generates 2.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions; train travel creates between 4 and 15 percent of the CO2 emissions (depending on the length of the trip). Bonus: You can avoid long lines at the airport and get a glimpse of parts of the country you could never see from the air.

* Pack light: Excess weight in the trunk of the car (or in the cargo hold on the plane) will decrease your gas mileage. In the car, every 100 pounds of cargo decreases fuel efficiency by 2 percent. It might not sound like much but it adds up on a round-trip to the beach, so only pack the essentials.

* Slather on biodegradable sunscreen: Sunscreen is essential for summer vacation but the same ingredients that help protect against UV exposure might be harming marine life. Scientists have found a link between dying coral reefs and the estimated 6,000 tons of sunscreen that wash off of swimmers every year. Biodegradable sunscreens are made with ingredients that break down in seawater and won’t harm marine life.

The Green Year (December 2008, $14.95, ISBN: 9781592578290, Alpha Books), provides 365 simple and inexpensive eco-friendly ideas for each day of the year. Organized by date, the green living tips suggest small changes and environmentally friendly ideas that make a big green impact.

The Green Year is more than a calendar. It offers practical, affordable and engaging activities that help make going green a blessing rather than a burden.

Author Jodi Helmer is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about eco-friendly topics. Her work has appeared in Plenty, Yoga Journal, Women's Health, Natural Solutions, Backpacker, Woman's Day, Family Circle and American Way. She is the co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Careers and a professional speaker who offers workshops on green issues. Helmer also maintains a website, She lives in Charlotte, NC.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Sip el dia de hoy se cumplen en este blog 50 posts, asi q para todos aquellos q les gusta venir a pasearse un rato por aca hay buenas noticias. Decidi crear algunas nuevas nuevas secciones en este blog, asi q todos los dias de la semana abra una seccion diferente, es decir, como te explico?, mmmmmmm ¡ah ya se! vean el semanario de abajo:

Lunes - Posteare: Lunes De Chistes o Lunes Sexy (digo para empezar bn la semana)

Martes - Posteare: Martes De El Madrazo De Hoy o Martes De Funny Videos (para seguir riendonos)

Miercoles - Posteare: Miercoles De Musica puede ser: Music iLike (gustos de su servilleta) o I Hear Music In My Head (esto lo explico tan pronto como le toque)

Jueves - Posteare: Libros (q a leido su servilleta) o Peliculas (q tambien he visto)

Viernes - Posteare: Comics (q he ido leyendo y q son de mi agrado) o Autos (q su servilleta kisiera tener)

Y eso no es todo seguire con mis criticas a la sociedad asi como otros gustos de su servilleta q seran los dias casuales.

Gracias y espero q les guste esta nueva forma de organizar este blog

NOTA: Se dieron cuenta q use demasiadas veces la palabra servilleta?

How to protect your family’s dwindling clean and available water supply from Terra Wellington

Because of increasing water pollution, drought conditions, and unpredictability of water availability, your family’s clean and available water is to become progressively more scarce and expensive and threatens to be one of the prevailing health and environmental issues of the next 20 years.

According to a recent Gallup poll, water pollution is the number one environmental concern of Americans. And as of mid-June, more than a third of the U.S. was experiencing drought conditions, with the Southeastern U.S. just emerging from a long-standing drought.

“No matter where you live, there are now serious water issues. Clean drinking water is an issue for everyone and sufficient water for community and household use is increasing in concern,” says Frequent Television Contributor Terra Wellington, author of The Mom’s Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home. “Now and in the coming years, families will need to take upon themselves a mounting interest in water conservation, preventing global warming, and keeping our waters clean in order to preserve a healthy way of life they have become accustomed to.”

In fact, the United Nation’s recent World Water report outlines how climate change’s main impacts will occur through water and water issues. And with only one percent of the world’s water supplies being fresh water for us to drink, it is imperative that we look after our natural resources.

Here are Wellington’s quick tips on how the average person can 1) conserve water and 2) preserve water’s cleanliness – to save money and to help your community. She has more ideas and information in her book, The Mom’s Guide to Growing Your Family Green:


○ Go low flow: Install low-flow aerators on all your bathroom faucets and low-flow showerheads. A dual-flush or low-flow toilet is a huge water saver as nearly a third of all the water you use in your home goes down the toilet.
○ Grow native: Gradually switch out your outdoor landscape to native plants. Plants that should be growing in your area already have adapted to your local climate and will require less irrigation water from your pocketbook.
○ Sweep: Let the broom or rake do the work instead of water from a hose. Sweep driveways and sidewalks without the use of water rinsing. Don’t use water to blast leaves off the yard.


○ Be a friend to the drain: Don’t flush or dump medicines or chemicals down the drain. They often end up in waterways or back in our drinking water -- not all chemicals and medicines can be removed at wastewater plants.
○ Reduce fertilizer use: Use less fertilizer and choose organic, non-polluting fertilizers when possible. Manure can still be polluting.
○ Choose organic and local: Organic and local foods are much less polluting because they tend to zero-to-less, large-scale fertilizers in the agricultural process.


* “The main impacts of climate change on humans and the environment occur through water. Addressing the threats and opportunities of climate change and its impacts on water resources and supplies is vital for even the most remote rural areas....”
-- U.N. 3rd World Water Development Report, March 2009

* “Only 1% of the world's water can be used for human consumption. Half of the global population will be living in areas of "acute water shortage" by 2030. In India, where water shortages are already being felt, there were over 50 reported acts of violence over water during the month of May [2009] alone. And while experts estimate 2.5 gallons per person per day is a sustainable amount to use, the average American consumes 100 gallons per day. And that's just household use, not counting the amount used for agriculture and manufacturing of the goods we consume.”

* The June 9, 2009 Drought Monitor report detailed more than a third of the U.S. in drought conditions.
-- National Drought Mitigation Center,

* According to a recent Gallup poll, water pollution is the number one environmental concern of Americans.
-- Gallup, 3/25/09

* At the 2009 Western Governor’s Association meeting, water use and climate change were the top issues. Water conservation in the West needs to become key, along with finding other water sources like capture of rainwater, treated wastewater, and desalination of water.
-- Associated Press report, 6/15/09

* A desalination plant to be built near San Diego is the largest operation in the hemisphere and has been battling lawsuits by environmentalists who raise concerns about “the amount of fish that will be killed by the pumping process and about potential change to the aquatic ecosystem when leftover brine is returned to the sea.”
-- New York Times, 5/14/09

* Researchers in Germany have found ways to make drinking water from humidity in desert air.
-- ScienceDaily, 6/8/09

* “Rice University scientists warned that the United States must be careful that the new emphasis on developing biofuels as an alternative to imported oil takes into account potential damage to the nation's water resources.”
-- Rice University, 6/12/09

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jeff & Taylor Turner Fish 5050 - Day #12 & 13


See? How clear is the road at 7:05 in the morning? Sweet!


Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, the undisputable Huan Loke Cafe!!!!!! *Ting ting ting!!

I call this the 'Chenxiang Cafe's rival'. I turn to this old kopitiam after frustrated with Chenxiang Cafe. One thing that I like about this kopitiam, eventhough the Kolok Mee portion is damn small, when we ask for extra mee, they don't charge it as 'special'. It's still RM2.50 per bowl. If at Chin Heng Cafe, for sure the price would rise up to RM4.00!!

Whenever I see this bowl of noodle, I suddenly remember one botak boy buying pau next door my heart pounding! Then my stomach goes groaning, LOL. The service of course, good because we're among the earliest who arrive every morning. I luuuurrve the thick coffee with milk. A small cup to boost up my mood is enough.

The noodles particularly very good, not too salty, just nice. The most important the char sio bak. I had eaten at one stall in King Centre, bullshit, the Char Sio was smelly like rotten dead meat! Yikes! Fortunately, we didn't have diarrhea that day.

Anyway, still looking for other places to find good breakfast, preferably cheaper. Next project might be going back to Satok area, to sample Malay dishes., again.

No, Mr President!

John Piper on abortion:

The Fire!

A provocative video about Christ's Lordship in our lives:


Some pictures taken recently. Sorry for the bushy eyebrow, I really don't have time to pull /pluck them - but still have time to blog about it???? LOL. Lame excuse!

I had these on, it was successfully done.... thumbs up.

Nay! Yikes! Look at my non-crease Asian eyes, I hate to do smokey eventhough I adore it a lot. Too difficult and ridiculous for me. *sad.

This is my most favourite picture. My cat eye style, pheewiiiittt!!!! So classic! And again, please ignore the non-crease eyelids. :p

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jeff & Taylor Turner Fish 5050 - Day #11

Trailer De God Of War III (E3)

Sip, version extendida (13 minutos) del trailer de GOW3 presentado en el E3 con buena calidad, arpias destripadas, soldados quemados, centauro destripado, quimera desmembrada y apuñalada en la cabeza, ciclope "desojado" (me refiero a la accion de sacar ojo), Helios descabezado, Etc... Y todo cortesia del buen Kratos.

Sangriento ;)


We were alone at home last Saturday. PILs gone to visit SIL who has just given birth to a healthy baby boy, CLINT HEBREW ATONG! Yayyy!! Meanwhile, Mr. Hubby went for a jamming session @ Mork's crib.

We didn't have any idea of what to have for dinner so I decided to fry some chicken wings. Gabby told me that she wanted to learn how to make sambal belacan, Mama's style.

OK, I guided her to pound the ingredient. So funny to see her doing the pounding with big size pestle and mortar. I let her decide whether she wanted her sambal to be more spicy and sweeter, she added the chillies and sugar.

5 minutes later......

Tadaaaa!!!!! Sambal Belacan Gabriella Conchita... hamik kauuuuu namanya..hahahhha.. Pedas-pedas manis..Yummy. Sweet and spicy. Looks more like Kelantanese Budu for me, LOL.

Dihidangkan juga oleh Chef Gabriella , Nasi Putih with Ayam Goreng - Served by Chef Gabriella, Look at the belacan on top. Who can resist this dish? You tell!

Presentation is totally OUT. Don't blame the Chef, she's only 8 years old plus plus. :P

Bake it Pretty

Found this wonderful blog
that has a link to some really cute
baking supplies
or for crafting...whatever....
let your imagination create !!!!

It is :
Bake It Pretty
you will have fun browsing
and don't forget to visit her shop !!

Garden Problem Spots – Invasive Roots from Older Trees and Shrubs by Gardener Dave

I am soliciting some advice from you other blogging gardeners. My yard has several areas where I would like to plant perennials, but invasive, wide-spreading feeder roots from existing older trees and shrubs make new planting difficult and rob the soil of moisture and nutrients. These are areas that are 5-10 feet or more from the main tree trunks or shrubs. Some areas are shady, some are sunny.

I have had some success in recent years with making a couple of raised flower beds in these areas, covering the original existing soil and the inside sides of the wood bed material with high-quality woven weed barrier before adding improved planter soil. In one, I doubled the layer of weed barrier before adding soil. The raised beds are 12-14 inches high. They are planted with perennials in the back and center, leaving the front edges open for annuals.

Since my weed barrier is quite permeable to water and oxygen, I believe I am doing the existing trees and shrubs little damage, since the beds are watered regularly and the bed soil is quite light and porous, similar to standard potting soil. Also, the beds do not cover a large portion of the tree/shrub root area. Water, even heavy rain, seems to drain easily through both the soil and weed barrier. So far (in 2-3 years), the perennials seem to thrive in this environment, and the original tree and shrub invasive root problems seem to be alleviated. Whether the weed barrier will stand up to them long-term remains to be seen.

What I am wondering is: In your experience, are there many common herbaceous perennials that require a root depth of over 12 inches to attain healthy maturity? I have “Googled” to some extent to determine this, but would welcome your experiences and knowledge in this area. Thanks!

Gardener Dave


blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comJust a snippet from my office today. Hmm.. see the green bottle's cap? It accompanies me in the office everyday. I use them straightly after lunch. Very helpful to help me flushing. Don't you wanna know who the special friend is?

Meet the Himalaya Ayurslim capsules.

AyurSlim Capsules work in three ways to manage body weight:

1. It reduces the craving for food, thereby reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates.
2. It leads to optimal utilization of nutrients.
3. It inhibits fatty acid synthesis, thereby reducing fat accumulation in the body.

I don't know if this works because I consume them only during daytime. After dinner, I will drink NH Detoxlim Natural Clenx Tea (yucckksss.. hahaha..) and the next morning, I would feel much, much better. I'm talking about my bowel movement.

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comMeanwhile, still searching time to do exercise. There is no other efficient way compared to exercising.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The De-Churched

This video is from John Pipers "Desiring God" video series. The speaker is Matt Chandler. I'll be mentioning the 'DeChurched" this Sunday in my sermon:

Jeff & Taylor Turner Fish 5050 - Day #10


Another Nasi Ayam Penyet review! This time, we're chia-ed by Mr. Hubby's friend to have dinner here. Ayam Penyet was the only available dish left, so why not giving it a try, afterall it's already 6:15 p.m.

We requested the dish to come with fried 'tempeh'. Hmm.. there are cabbage, tapioca leaves and cucumber chunks.

I don't know what went wrong that day. First, the chicken and tempeh were soakingly wet in oil. Don't you know the existence of kitchen towel or strainer? Secondly, I love the plate, it's made of wood but please next time, make sure the plates are all in 'cleaner' condition. My chopping board looks better than the plate eventhough it's made of wood, too. Thirdly, I can taste that 'sweetness' taste! OMG! Are you guys using the same cooking oil over and over again?? LOok at the food color, hello I cook at home so I know how does the reheated food look like. Next time, invest for a good microwave oven to reheat. Don't re-fry! And even if you do want to re-fry please use a 'newer' cooking oil not the 100th times used. Please say thank you to the tempeh, at least they covered the skinny chicken, so small and dry too.

Needless to say more, afterall we didn't pay but if we did, it would be our last visit just like Chenxiang Kitchen. :p


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