
Thursday, June 25, 2009


See? How clear is the road at 7:05 in the morning? Sweet!


Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, the undisputable Huan Loke Cafe!!!!!! *Ting ting ting!!

I call this the 'Chenxiang Cafe's rival'. I turn to this old kopitiam after frustrated with Chenxiang Cafe. One thing that I like about this kopitiam, eventhough the Kolok Mee portion is damn small, when we ask for extra mee, they don't charge it as 'special'. It's still RM2.50 per bowl. If at Chin Heng Cafe, for sure the price would rise up to RM4.00!!

Whenever I see this bowl of noodle, I suddenly remember one botak boy buying pau next door my heart pounding! Then my stomach goes groaning, LOL. The service of course, good because we're among the earliest who arrive every morning. I luuuurrve the thick coffee with milk. A small cup to boost up my mood is enough.

The noodles particularly very good, not too salty, just nice. The most important the char sio bak. I had eaten at one stall in King Centre, bullshit, the Char Sio was smelly like rotten dead meat! Yikes! Fortunately, we didn't have diarrhea that day.

Anyway, still looking for other places to find good breakfast, preferably cheaper. Next project might be going back to Satok area, to sample Malay dishes., again.

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