
Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We were alone at home last Saturday. PILs gone to visit SIL who has just given birth to a healthy baby boy, CLINT HEBREW ATONG! Yayyy!! Meanwhile, Mr. Hubby went for a jamming session @ Mork's crib.

We didn't have any idea of what to have for dinner so I decided to fry some chicken wings. Gabby told me that she wanted to learn how to make sambal belacan, Mama's style.

OK, I guided her to pound the ingredient. So funny to see her doing the pounding with big size pestle and mortar. I let her decide whether she wanted her sambal to be more spicy and sweeter, she added the chillies and sugar.

5 minutes later......

Tadaaaa!!!!! Sambal Belacan Gabriella Conchita... hamik kauuuuu namanya..hahahhha.. Pedas-pedas manis..Yummy. Sweet and spicy. Looks more like Kelantanese Budu for me, LOL.

Dihidangkan juga oleh Chef Gabriella , Nasi Putih with Ayam Goreng - Served by Chef Gabriella, Look at the belacan on top. Who can resist this dish? You tell!

Presentation is totally OUT. Don't blame the Chef, she's only 8 years old plus plus. :P

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