
Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Rhyme of the “Ancient” Gardener

Brooklyn Museum: The Old Gardener
The Old Gardener courtesy Brooklyn Museum

The Rhyme of the "Ancient" Gardener

Spring is coming – Hey, Hooray!
Saw my first Robin yesterday

Time to round up tools from Fall,
sharpen spades and pruners all

Find trash cans for all the clean-up
of the plants that start their green-up

Can hardly wait till April’s here,
Its warmer days are coming near

Getting Spring tools fixed is easy
It’s the other things that make me queasy

Things like getting hips and knees
to bend, and squat, and work with ease

Something I call “The Gardener’s Curse”
Ground-Level Work – there’s nothing worse!

Now, if I had been a “Snowboard Nut”
I wouldn’t have been in my Winter “rut”

I’d be all loosy-goosy jointed,
my knees and hips be well-annointed

But I preferred to take my ease
all through the Winter’s chilly breeze

Thinking of Spring and warm sun-rays,
dreaming of weather’s better days

But even if it takes some weeks
to get my “bod” to tuned-up peaks

If the ski slopes had been my gym,
I could be healing a broken limb

And that would take much time to mend
No, I’d rather stretch and stoop and bend

I’ll take my pills and Ibuprofen
and thank the Lord that nothing’s broken!


Gardener Dave

Friday, February 27, 2009

Camp Orchard Hill - Winterblast!

Todd and Kelly took a group of our kids up to Camp Orchard Hill for a few days of fun in the snow! We gathered in the parking lot to see them off and pray over them before they left:

Jay Adams Turns 80

Jay Adams is one of the all time great Christian Counselors and author of a whole slew of books dealing with Nouthetic (Scripture based) counseling. He has had a major impact on Christian counseling in our time.

Here's the most recent entry from his blog, godly wisdom on growing older and worth a moment of your time:

Eighty years old! I truly never thought I’d live this long. It makes me wonder what the Lord has in mind for me to do during the last few years that I have left. Surely, without some worthwhile project or projects, I’d dry up and blow away. Whether writing these blogs is or is not a worthwhile activity I shall find out in time. For the moment, in addition to teaching at my church, this is my major activity.

At eighty, you begin to have physical limitations. I don’t walk well; only passably well. I can still drive, but I’d just as well not—unless it’s to the little town five miles away where we do most of our regular shopping. Eyesight’s fine—my lens implants have stood me well for twenty years. I still see better with them than when I was a child! Hearing is a problem, but not if you speak up a little more! What was that you just said?

One thing that I’ve noticed—and am exceedingly grateful for—is that I still have all of my mental facilities intact. Though, perhaps, some would say they never were intact. That there has been little change I can vouch for—at least from my perspective. That fact, and because I don’t get around as well as before, is one reason why I’m spending time blogging. I can sit and do that. And, now and then, there may be someone who receives help from a particular posting.

At eighty, I ought to have some sage advice to give the young. Let’s see, if I were to pick one thing only, that might be of importance, what would it be? Hmmmm . . .

I know one! Prepare for old age. True, you may never make it; there are former students of mine who have died already. If you don’t have some activity that you can engage in for the Lord, you will probably end up a sour and regretful old person. There’s always something one can do so long as he has control of his basic faculties. If he is bedridden, he can pray. My son, Todd, is in a wheelchair with MS, but he studies Greek and Hebrew and writes. He’s a man who, when he’s old, will have not only a legacy, but also something worthwhile to do in the Lord’s service.

Older people, I’m told, tend to look back. I never have been one to do so. Perhaps that’s yet to come. I told you in another posting about my sieve-like mind. Perhaps that’s the way it is because I have always had a forward look. What is next to do? To learn? To experience? That orientation, I think, has kept me as current as I can be—given my physical limitations. Inwardly, I don’t think of myself as old. I just think, “Here’s another day—what shall I make of it? How shall I use it to honor God, and how can I be a blessing to someone else?” So long as I can continue that orientation, I think I’ll be able to carry on reasonably well for another few years. If God wills. We’re all immortal until God is through with us—as I said in the previous blog.

5 Reasons To Study Theology

by Nathan W. Bingham on February 25, 2009

Words such as theology and doctrine come with negative connotations for many Christians. This is a great tragedy, as I firmly believe every Christian needs to study theology to some degree in their Christian walk. Along with Andrew’s series on the importance of Biblical doctrine, there are many reasons why Christian’s need to study theology. In no particular order here are five reasons you need to study theology, and hopefully some of these you won’t have considered before.

1. You’re a theologian already…
Why do you need to study theology? Because theology isn’t something only a Professor of Theology has–we all believe something about God and therefore are theologians in our own right. However, what needs to be asked is whether what you believe is correct, and the study of theology can help answer that question.

2. Your love for Jesus is intrinsically linked with your knowledge of His Word…
Why do you need to study theology? Because Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” (John 14:15) I heard someone remark that a certain Christian may not have been that great theologically, but that was okay because they really loved Jesus. However, Jesus says that if we love Him, we will obey what He commands. How can we obey Him if we don’t go to His Word to rightly know His commands?

3. Your doctrine will determine how you live…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what you believe (your doctrine) will determine how you live (your practice). This can be seen in everyday life. If you believe something to be poisonous, you simply won’t drink it. Similarly, your beliefs about God and His Word determine how you live day to day. For example if you believe God only speaks through His Word then you will study it diligently, however if you believe God speaks through impressions and the like, then you’ll listen for that still small voice. The aforementioned example drastically changes how a person goes about determining God’s will for their lives, and illustrates why you need to study theology.

4. Your affections will determine what you study…
Why do you need to study theology? Because what your affections are placed upon will determine what you spend your time studying. If your hobby is photography you will want to study the subject to know how to improve your photographs and to increase your love and appreciation for that pass-time. Likewise, if you’re a Christian and your primary affection is upon God, why would you not want to study His Word to increase your love and appreciation for Him and His gospel?

5. Your humility depends on it…
Why do you need to study theology? Because without studying theology it is possible that you will think too highly of yourself, and not high enough of God. It is true that knowledge puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1), however the Scriptures rightly understood and applied, will give you, for example, the knowledge of man’s utter depravity and wretchedness before God, and also of God’s magnificence, holiness, sovereignty and grace, which can only serve to send a true convert to his knees in humility.

May God be glorified as you study theology, humbly opening His Word with the desire to know more about His special revelation to man.

Thursday, February 26, 2009



Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you. I guarantee you're gonna find some pretty hilarious results.

1. Your name?
PATRICIA: a beautiful, tall, smart, brunnete that likes to party.
Usually friends with a blonde. - WTF?? LOL. =))

2. Age?
30: A 30 pack 12 oz cans of beer - SKOLS is my middle name, hahahahah very cheap one crate RM48.00 ok?

3.One of your friends?
JULIA: a name for girls. Most julia's are artistic, smart, romantic, beautiful and also very charming. Julia's can get whatever they want if they try. They can be very sexy so watch out! They are romantics and love old movies, art and books. they love old stuff! They usually aren't very athletic but if a julia is athletic she's kick butt! they have great fashion sense and usually look smokin'. A julia will most likely become a mother because they love kids. They are very successful in life and there is just something about them that draws people in. Also they are ah-mazing dancers! - Julia will faint to read this. She will, I guarantee.

4. What should you be doing?
DIET - a four-letter word that often leads to deprivation, frustration and, ultimately, failure. - So TRUE

5. Favorite colour?
RED - Flavor of kool-aid to a black person. - Hahahahha!!

6. Birthplace?
PERAK: A pompous, self congratulating asshole whose only interest in life is to make himself look good at the expense of others. - What the??

7. Month of your birthday?
MARCH : Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born. - Yes, I am.

8. Last person you talked to?
SURI: A word that applies to children, usually female, born to parents who are thought to be crazy. Comes from Suri Cruise, who was born to Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, the world's most famous scientologist. - Suri is famous than me.. hahahaha... I can't accept that. Hahahha..

9. One of your nicknames?
PAT: The rare occurance of ejaculating in your underwear after a female touches your penis for a short amount of time. This is primarily caused by not masturbating before going on a date with an incredibly hot girl. - What about Pat Pat? Multiple orgasm?

You read it, you try it!

.. Cokelatrawkz ..


Besides GreenHill Corner, there is one kopitiam that we use to have our breakfast every morning. Chin Heng Cafe is the name. Their specialty is their Kolok Mee, very classic - served in an old porcelain bowl and pale but tasty. The Taukey loves to put lots of porky balls for us! If you know where the pub 'Ruai' is then you must know where this kopitiam is located.

My favourite starter of the day. Strong black coffee with milk. I will blog about the Kolok Mee next week perhaps but there's one thing that draws my attention whenever I am enjoying my bowl of hot Kolok, I will see this regular panorama, every morning.

This particular cafe is not only a famous hang-out spot for taxi drivers. Oh yes, not forgetting to mention it is indeed the best hidden spot for the afternoon session school boys to hang-out with their friends, sipping a cup of Kopi O' and smoking.

..... These youngsters I guess are still in lower secondary i.e. Form 1 & Form 2. Their futures are still blurry and based on their over exposed and loud conversation, it seems that they don't know what they are grumbling about. Their hot topics are mostly about girls and which cigarette is the cheapest. ^_^

.... Hmm.. nice puff there lil' buddy! Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see, que sera sera.. what will be, will be....

p/s: If this school's teachers read my blog, please visit Chin Heng Cafe after 7:10 a.m. every morning and check it out.

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tithe Rap

I got this video from my daughter. It's in keeping with our sermon this coming Sunday......even more than that, it's funny! It's from 12StoneChurch:

Is There a Bright Spot Here? by Carol King

February is a miserable month for gardeners in Front Range Colorado. It’s 60 degrees one day and 37 the next. Most warm days are too windy to be outside and even if you can there’s not much to do. It’s too early to uncover anything, maybe a little watering if you’re lucky. Mostly I just sit around and growl. Even the chores to do in the February Garden are lame.

Things like:

Clean, sharpen, and inventory your tools. Do you think someone who treats their tools this way would do that?

Plan and draw out your vegetable garden plot. I’m sorry, I’m a plunker. I plunk it where I feel like it.

Order seeds early. Let’s see: sunflowers, peas, pole beans, carrots. There that’s done.

Pick off and destroy insect eggs. Oh, Please.

Grrrrrr, dear gardener, Grrrrrr

I will take the advice of one sage about February chores: “To recover, apply cups of hot chocolate and another good catalog.”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Our friends, John and Priscilla know how to cheer us up. Yalah, after all the holocaust we had last week and look at what we had on Saturday! Please pay attention readers, all food served was solely for the 'ladies' table. Guys sat outside and BBQ-ed for us! Woohoo!! We were the Queens for the day.

Crayfishes. I'd kill for a bowl of this. Damn! They were big and juicy and the meat uuurrgghh!

100 grams (uncooked weight) of typical prawns contains 106 calories while there are 71 calories in 100 grams of Crayfish. Whoaaaa ... !!!! So it is obvious that eating CrayFISH is healthier, don't you agree?

This one? Some prawns (Siar) cooked by Mr. Ting himself. I reckon this is around 1.25kgs. Yum yum. I ate 80% of them. :p The flesh was so naturally sweet and we love to suck the head part, especially the brains. I had too much of them. *LOL*

BBQ is not complete without chicken wings. Oh ya, don't have the pictures of BBQ chicken franks, so Malaysian... ;)

Anyway, we finished by 6:00 p.m. and thanks so much to the Tings - John, Priscilla and Baby Samuel. We skipped dinner because everyone was stuffed and too lazy to cook. *BURP.

On the way home, we dropped by at this pet's shop at 2 1/2 mile to buy milk powder for our kittens - Anyik, Tuan and Bujang. Oh, bought some dog food for my bitch, Miss Marcella Elle. The guys then bought TOTO tickets. Wasting money, hahahahah!!

Ok, some ads to add. Should you wish to buy fresh crayfish, just contact me via this blog or YM to get Mr. Ting's HP number. Special price for my blog readers, the crayfish is sold for RM15 per kilogram. So, what are you waiting? Grab some today!!

Yummy. *DROOL*

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

Our 29th Anniversary!

“Your lips are like a scarlet thread,
And your mouth is lovely.
Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate
Behind your veil.
“Your neck is like the tower of David,
Built with rows of stones
On which are hung a thousand shields,
All the round shields of the mighty men.
“You are altogether beautiful, my darling,
And there is no blemish in you.
Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
May you come with me from Lebanon.
Journey down from the summit of Amana,
From the summit of Senir and Hermon,
From the dens of lions,
From the mountains of leopards.
“You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride;
You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes,
With a single strand of your necklace.
“How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride!
How much better is your love than wine,
And the fragrance of your oils
Than all kinds of spices!
“Your lips, my bride, drip honey;
Honey and milk are under your tongue,
And the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
Song of Solomon 4:7-11

I pray that God would grant us the same joy and happiness for the next 29 years that He has for the first 29! What a blessing you are!

Happy Anniversary, Darling.

Mad About Minerals: Loving Eve Organics Mineral Foundation

I've been using Eve Organics Mineral Foundation for over a week now and I am really getting the hang of it. I can almost get my make up on without covering myself in the powder. That's the only downfall to mineral make up, the powder mess goes everywhere. Though the brush I have is really great, it grabs the powder and doesn't just let it fall all over the place.

If you haven't tried mineral cosmetics yet you should give it a try. You'll be amazed at how different they are...and how wonderful they work. "Eve Organics’ mineral makeup is free of preservatives, talc, fragrances, dyes and oils. The recent surge in mineral makeup popularity has caused many companies to cut the pure mineral makeup with inferior ingredients to make it go further. "

Eve Organics also has a skincare for just about any type of skin.

Last Sunday's Service

It is such a tremendous blessing to be part of such a great staff here at WBF. It was a double blessing to be able to share the sermon time with all of them last Sunday.

I think the message heard from the pulpit was an important one for our church. We have been growing rapidly in the last few months. There are a lot of new faces showing up regularly on Sunday mornings. (BTW, if it's possible for you and your family to attend the earlier service on Sundays, that would be a blessing to us and to our new folks who are just getting familiar with us. Praise God! We're running out of room in the Later Service!)

As exciting as it is to see God's hand moving in the lives of all of the folks who have been with us a while as well as the new folks that are showing up, there are some adjustments that come along with that growth that we need to be aware of as well. Sunday gave us the opportunity to address some of these matters.

For one thing, not everyone knows who we are and what we do. We were able to introduce our entire staff to those folks that may have heard names but been unable to connect them with faces. Each staff member had the opportunity to share their passion and their calling and how they fit into the big picture at WBF. More importantly, I pray that the congregation saw the tremendous unity and love we have for each other. I pray that the common vision the Lord has given us was apparent. I pray that our commitment to serve and love the Lord and the flock at WBF rose to the surface Sunday morning.

Here's the slide presentation for Sunday's message. The sermon was based on the profound teaching about leadership found in Luke 22:14-38.

The key points to the sermon were these, representing the things we believe we do well at our church;
  1. Teach & equip with the truth
  2. Worship
  3. Relationship/Fellowship
  4. Minister the Gospel
1. All of our teaching and all of our curriculum, throughout the church, is Scripture based and emphasizes the objective truths found in the Bible.

2. Worship is an integral part of all we do and permeates everything we do. Our singing, our praying, the sermon, our classes our studies....even the announcements and offering are part of our corporate worship.

3. Our individual relationship with the Lord and our relationships with each other are a very high priority. That being said, as we grow it becomes more and more difficult for us to fulfill the role that was expected of us when we were a smaller church. We are seeing a transition occur here. The larger we get, the more obvious it becomes that the role of the staff is to provide venues and opportunities in which all of us can establish and build relationships. This still allows us as shepherds, the necessary time we need to attend to hospital visits, new visitor calls, crisis counseling, grief counseling and leadership development all of which increase in size and frequency as we continue to grow.

The bottom line on this issue is this; please don't stop asking us to go out for a cup of coffee! We love that. Don't stop inviting us to lunch or dinner! We love that too. Don't stop asking us to spend time with you....we love you! With that understanding, please don't be disappointed if we have to decline or ask for a rain check. Our schedules can be pretty demanding at times. The great news is that we all strive to operate in His strength, not our own.

4. All the others things God has given us the capability to do well will have no value if we fail to minister the Gospel. This is our highest calling and our highest priority. This is so much more than what the modern church has come to think evangelism is. As a staff, we see our most effective work as being the strengthening and equipping of the body of Christ to live lives that are a reflection of the character and nature of Jesus Christ. Through this, God will reveal Himself in the behavior and love of those that are His children and men everywhere will be drawn toward him.

All of these things flow out of a common passion and calling to serve. I think this is what God is doing among us....establishing that inner fire in each of us to make His work the priority and passion of our lives.

What a wonderful time!

Monday, February 23, 2009


I made myself busy today eventhough boss is away, I struggled with housekeeping and 5S stuff.

Hope my Gabby is getting better today. We bought her cough syrup yesterday, just 'Ubat Batuk Cap Ibu dan Anak'. She already given excuse last Sunday for not going to school on Monday.

So sad my girl, her request was REJECTED by Papa. School is school.

But we took her out for lunch yesterday before sending her to tuition class. She looked happy and I guess, she's totally forgotten about her sickness.

... Just by eating Nasi Campur - white rice with fried egg and fried chicken. Oh, with splashes of 'kicap' (soy sauce).

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

Hillarious Woman Drivers Video

I know this is a worn out cliche but this is just too funny to pass up. Watch for the lady at the gas station!


"Kalau ada apa-apa, telefon ye?" (If there's anything, just give me a call) , that's what Boss said before leaving me with some smelly ikan kering he bought at KK, which I adore so much. I sat down and checking through the piles on my desk when my phone suddenly rang. I picked it up, just a normal voice of my SIL asking me whether I'll be joining them for this coming Secretaries Week.

To tell her the truth, I really want to join them this year because the company that organises the conference, MRS Mgt. Sdn. Bhd. has thought of something that strikes us, more this year!

The calling! Can you see the venue for this year's conference? We always have it at Riverside Crowne Plaza but this year, it will be held on April 13-14 at FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON, Kuching!! The most talked about and the latest, hippest hotel in town!

The second reason is this! Yes, I am one of the regular participants and this year would be my 7th times! I know the gift would be extra special for us, the regulars but check the door gifts out! Each participant will be allowed to pick one; either the Elle Studio Watch and..... a DIGITAL CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, tell me how cool it is?? I called Mandy of MRS this afternoon and blatantly asked her, what brand the camera would be. She didn't answer me directly but she gave me an unquestionable answer when she said, "It's clear and it's 7.1 megapixels". *My heart dropped. *LOL*

Oh yes, I guess, some of readers would laugh at me yes, you can laugh as loud as you could because you have what? like 10? 12? 700 megapix?? Just brag on, now tell me who can give you a free digital camera without entering any contest just like that??? Just like that baby! FYI, the current digital camera with me was bought way back in 2004 and it is 3.3 megapix but it has given me thousands of spectacular results.

My vintage digital camera. The VC3010Z is a 3.3 MP digital camera equipped with a 3x optical zoom and 4x digital zoom. I'll show some of the best images it has captured in the past.

See the clarity? Can you see it? I think I'll get more than this I guess with the new one, just wait for my updates in April. Woohoo, I'm so intrigued and without thinking twice, I said YES to my SIL.

Hmmm.. so tomorrow, Miss Coki will fill up this form and wait for April to come which she can't wait!

So to all Secretaries in West Malaysia & Sabah/Labuan, just click the link that I placed above and join us this year! See ya'll soon!!!!

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is God an Egotist?

This from Al Mohler's blog:

Is the God of the Bible the supreme egotist? That question arises when human beings contemplate the meaning of the truth that God does everything for the sake of his own glory. Is God then a megalomaniac? Human beings are trapped in a human frame of reference. When we think of motivation, we inevitably start with our own self-conscious knowledge of our own motivations. For a human to seek his or her own glory is narcissism in purest form. Human egotism is constantly on display. And, if we are honest, we know that we seek our own glory as a reflex. In reality, this is the essence of sin. Our desire for glory is inherently idolatrous and selfish. Paul describes this perfectly in Romans 1:22-23: "Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things." This exchange that robs God of his glory is the very heart of sin. We want the glory that is God's alone. When we think of God, our reflex is to think in human terms. We are trapped in the knowledge that our efforts to glorify ourselves are perverse. Yet, if we are to think rightly of God, we must think in infinitely different terms, and the only way we can do this is by the gift of revelation. God must give us even the frame of reference with which we can think of him, and he does so in his Word.

You can read the rest of this article HERE

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Staff Retreat!

We had our Staff Retreat at the new Camp Meadowkirk near Middleburg, Va this weekend. The entire staff was able to make it!

I did the grocery shopping (at Wegmans, of course) early Friday afternoon then we all met at the Camp around dinner time. The facilities have to be the nicest campground I've ever seen. We had a cottage with a very large and well equipped great room separating two huge bedrooms, each with their own large bathrooms. Ladies to the left, men to the right for sleeping arrangements.

We had dinner together (Lasagna...mmmmm) then got down to the business at hand. We asked ourselves, as a staff and as individuals, a series of questions.

  • Why are we here?
  • What are our ministry gifts?
  • What do we do?
  • How do we do it?
  • How do we each fit in to the big picture at WBF?
  • How do we fit in with each other?
We spent the evening exploring Luke 22 and examining what Jesus had to say about leadership God's way compared to leadership the world's way. We talked and brain stormed. We thought and wrote. Then we shared and talked some more. To end the evening, we shared a devotion from Spurgeon's 'Morning and Evening'.

We all went to bed around midnight. I, for one, had a decent night's sleep. The rooms were comfortable, the fellowship had been sweet and we had been blessed with unity and love for each other. My meditation as I began to drift off was focused on the warmth and openness God had blessed us with throughout the evening.

We had breakfast together at 9 AM, had another devotion, courtesy of Spurgeon again, then went back to work.

As the day progressed, God continued to knit us together. By the end of the afternoon, we were all tired but we were all able to see that we did indeed have a common vision. We saw that God has assembled us into a group of people that are uniquely gifted to work and minister with and to each other. We were able to speak openly, honestly and in love to each other.

There's one particular and huge blessing we received in our time together. Each of us feels called to do one primary thing; to serve the congregation at WBF. Everything else we do, as a leadership group, flows from that calling. All this puts meat on the bone when we think about WBF as "A place to connect....A place to grow".

What an honor and a joy to be able to sit with and stand beside such a great group of godly people! What a wonderful way to spend the weekend (for me) after a uniquely exhausting and draining week, with brothers and sisters in the Lord....friends who share a common vision, a common purpose and a common calling.

This is exciting!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Checking THE SUN online news last night. So surprised to see a face of, ugly beatened up face and I am thanking the tabloid for giving me the headline: RIHANNA'S REVENGE. Wait, that's Rihanna????

Once upon a time, the lovebirds, Prince & Princess of Pop.

Shocking image! The 'popped' face!

From the picture, we can see this is a vicious and brutal attack. No woman should have to go through this. Rihanna needs to know that the violence will only get worse over time — however much her attacker promises he will change. - By SANDRA HORLEY, Chief Executive of Refuge

Ohh.. Chris is in deep shit. First, because he beat his own girl and she's a WOMAN. It's so un-COOL to beat a woman when as a man you should protect her. Secondly, because of his stupid action, I guess thousands of Rihanna's fanz in Malaysia had to accept fact that they have wasted their Ringgits to buy the tickets. I think Celcom, as the sponsor faced worst situation!

p/s: Just click on the picture to view larger image.

... CokelatrawkZ ...


Oh, what a week I had this one. I should learn from hubby how to handle my temper. I did. I did to. It came back to me when it hit the right trigger. I haven't been so much in anger like what I'm having this week. At one point, my anger stopped instantly when hubby pondered to me; "I was like you, I was too angry till I felt that I was able to kill someone. I drove my car around the town aimlessly then I stopped at The Carmellite and prayed. After few minutes, everything has calmed down. Would you do the same?". I can't believe to hear what was uttered by him. I paused. I just said to him, "I feel like all my dreams are shattered. Betrayal is painful to bear. To make it worst, we're betrayed by our friend. I can lose control without you dear. Thank God I didn't do anything stupid on the internet..". I can't tell you what is happening but I know YOU, YOU know who YOU are, reading my blog everyday. This is my medium to express my feelings. YOU shattered my dreams. And you know what dreams are? I want to go for family vacation this coming school holidays, I want to attend my brother's convocation ceremony in October, I want all the missing days of last year's celebrations, my Christmas shopping, my New Year. I can put a stretch long of list here, and for my sufferings, I put all the blame on YOU. Ah, I need to see a psychiatrist, I guess. Everytime I think about it, I feel like punching the wall till I break my fingers. I can't hold the urge of my furiousity. Readers, don't push me to tell you what is the problem that bothers my brain, just sit and read.

In the office. I was once mocked as 'The Living Phone Book' by D.F. Why? Because I can memorize almost 22 hospitals fax and telephone numbers in my head. Almost. I still can't accept what D.O said to me this evening before 5:00 p.m. It was all started by a piece of letter. You see here, I'm working with a system. If you can't find the letter, the possibilities are; it could be with boss, maybe in his briefcase because his table is clear. So does my table. Before filing or distribute it out, it must be recorded, bastard!! So why can't you just wait for him to come back to office this weekend and stop , please stop labelling me as 'forgetful'!!!!!!!! If I am that bad, I won't score 90%++ in my annual ACR, and do you think that I bribed all the bosses to get the 'Outstanding Service Award' this year?????? You tell me. Pussies are bad when they become bosses. Do you think it's easy to SATISFY everyone's lust?????? Or am I trying too hard to please everyone??? You tell me. Oh God, please calm me down. Forgive my trespasses.... I had enough of all these.

I sound as if I am now having depression. I will eventually go crazy if I treat myself bad like this. Hey, what the heck and hell to y'all who hurt my feeling. I feel better now. I feel like baking butter cake tomorrow. Hey, I'm good already, .. I want to play PC games and will stay up late maybe.... Yayy!! I'm good, I'm fine, I'm positive. You know what? I'm serious.. I feel much better now. It's good to write sometimes. I can express everything, anything, anytime, anywhere. Where's tissue? OK. *Sniffs. Done. Sorry for being so emo. I need a hug and my teddy bear is waiting to hug me on the bed. I will hug him then I will continue my games. Thanks to my family members who support me and willing to hear my rants. I love you and you know who you are; at Yahoo Messenger, thanks a lot. Coki has a mission to accomplish, to be a Cowboy Girl and play Westward!

"Fly... fly away my sadness, and let happiness come to me to caress..."

... CokelatrawkZ ...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


THIS is the amazing image which could show the fabled sunken city of Atlantis. It shows a perfect rectangle the size of Wales lying on the bed of the Atlantic Ocean nearly 3½ miles down.

A host of criss-crossing lines, looking like a map of a vast metropolis, are enclosed by the boundary.

Location ... 620 miles off Africa

They seem too vast and organised to be caused naturally. And last night the possibility of an extraordinary discovery had oceanographers and geophysicists captivated.

<== Hero ... Patrick Duffy in TV show

The site lies 620 miles off the west coast of Africa near the Canary Islands — a location for Atlantis seemingly suggested by the ancient philosopher Plato.

He believed it was an island civilisation sunk by an earthquake and floods around 9,700BC — nearly 12,000 years ago.

The “grid” showed up on Google Ocean, a Google Earth extension that uses a combination of satellite images and marine surveys.

Last night Dr Charles Orser, curator of historical archaeology at New York State University — and one of the world’s leading authorities on Atlantis — called it “fascinating”.

He said: “The site is one of the most prominent places for the proposed location of Atlantis, as described by Plato. Even if it turns out to be geographical, this definitely deserves a closer look.”

The legend of Atlantis has captured the imagination of scholars for centuries.

And in the 1970s it spawned a hit TV series, Man From Atlantis, in which Patrick Duffy played a webbed hero who could live underwater.

Situated in an area called the Madeira Abyssal Plane, the grid was spotted by aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford as he browsed through Google Ocean.

Sunken ... artist's impression of lost metropolis

Bernie, 38, of Chester, said: “It looks like an aerial map of Milton Keynes. It must be man-made.”


Wah wah wah.... I've been reading about this Atlantis since my primary school time. With Google Ocean, now we can actually see the location of Atlantis? Thanks to technology! Would like to read more, you may read here.

.. Cokelatrawkz ..


My chubby brother, Ken tagged me, OH Ken... hanjjj ko kenakan akak pagi² yang indah permai iniiiewww!

1. Coki's exboyfriend :
a bullshit named J.T. (Jantan Terjalang?) hahahha...

2. Coki listenin' to:
Adele - ohhh she's so me.... or I'm so her? Jennifer Hudson - Divaaaah!

3. Maybe Coki Shud:
Strike back?

4. Coki like to learn:

5. Coki BestFriend:
My family and Jesus

6. Coki dont understand:
Eat little but getting bigger, while some people eat too much but still don't grow any inch

7.Coki lost:
Trusts from people she trusted

8. Many people said Coki's chubby need to mention that. +_+

9. Coki living in a place called:
Supreme Garden, Kuching

10.Da meaning of Coki's real name:
Patricia means- of noble descent. Ken, I'm a 'bangsawan' OK? ada kelazzzzzzzz... kelas hapa? kelasik (classic)....hahahahah!

11.Love is:
To see someone you love happily loving you

12.The meaning of 'Forever':

13.Coki will try:
Own her own sanctuary,heaven on earth called 'a house'.

14. Coki's HP:
Samsung X820

15.Coki's very annoyed:
Twisted tongue serpent

16.Whenever Coki's Wakeup from sleep:
Will pull the curtain to check the sunlight

17.Party is:
Sitting down with big crowd of friend, sipping drinks and gossiping while the other half of me playing guitar and singing with his crowd.

18.The cutest animal:
Koala Bear

19.Coki's best age:
21 years

20.Coki's felt tension today:
... yes and felt betrayed too.

21.Tonite, Coki will:
avoiding phone calls & any contact with outside world. Leave Me Alone.

22.When Coki look at himself in the mirror this morning:
"ohh my pimples gone!"

23.Shopping Mall:
You must be thinking The Spring since I'm living near it but I still find Wisma Saberkas rocks!

24.Fast food are usually:
KFC, McD, KFC, McD, KFC, McD, KFC, McD, ... and Still waiting for BURGER KING to invade Kuching!

25.I am Tagging:
Sis EnAiD, bro Ejay, sis Cuth, sis Deb, sis Lyana & sis Puteri!


12 Year Old's Pro-Life Speech

This article was posted on WorldNetDaily, a christian news site.

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Despite facing threats of disqualification, a 12-year-old girl took first place in a speech contest when she eloquently argued for the rights of unborn children – after an offended judge quit.

"What if I told you that right now, someone was choosing if you were going to live or die?" the seventh-grader begins in a video recording of her speech on YouTube. "What if I told you that this choice wasn't based on what you could or couldn't do, what you'd done in the past or what you would do in the future? And what if I told you, you could do nothing about it?"

The girl, a student at a Toronto school identified only as "Lia," continued:

"Fellow students and teachers, thousands of children are right now in that very situation. Someone is choosing without even knowing them whether they are going to live or die.

"That someone is their mother. And that choice is abortion."

But what made the 12-year-old choose to speak about abortion?

"It was really a family thing," her mother explained on the blog Moral Outcry. "I saw Lou [Engle] speak at a conference several years ago. I came back to my family with the Life Bands, and we all wore them, made our covenant, and prayed the prayer for abortion to end. … We were invited to participate in a 'Life Tape Siege.' Once my kids heard of this invitation, they all agreed: 'We have to do that!' Since then, Lia's passion for seeing abortion end has continued."

Despite Lia's enthusiasm for her topic, her teacher "strongly encouraged" her to select a different one for her class presentation or she would be considered ineligible for an upcoming speech contest.

"[S]everal teachers discouraged her from picking the topic of abortion; she was told it was 'too big,' 'too mature' and 'too controversial,'" her mother wrote. "She was also told that if she went ahead with that topic, she would not be allowed to continue on in the speech competition."

Lia's mother continued, "Initially, I tried helping her find other topics to speak on, but, in the end, she was adamant. She just felt she wanted to continue with the topic of abortion. So she forfeited her chance to compete in order to speak on something she was passionate about."

Lia's teacher was so impressed by the speech that she allowed her student to advance as the winner. Lia presented her speech to judges in front of her entire school on Feb. 10.

The school principal and teachers called Lia's presentation the "obvious winner" – but the judges suddenly disqualified her the following day "because of the topic and her position on abortion," her mother said.

Lia's father later revealed that the judges had a "big disagreement." One was offended by the speech and voluntarily stepped down while the others reversed their earlier decision – declaring her the winner.

Now Lia plans to take her message of life to a regional speech competition, and more than 130,000 visitors have viewed her presentation online.

"Why do we think that just because a fetus can't talk or do what we do, it isn't a human being yet?" She asks in the video. "Some babies are born after only five months. Is this baby not human?

"We would never say that. Yet abortions are performed on 5-month-old fetuses all the time. Or do we only call them humans if they're wanted?"

She continues, "No, fetuses are definitely humans – knit together in their mother's womb by their wonderful Creator who knows them all by name."

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