
Saturday, February 14, 2009


Some posting on 'makan-makan' (literally eating activity) at our office.

Attended CNY celebration organised by our very own Dental Department. Can't help to laugh at the DIY lion dancers! Food was great, from Rock Road Seafood (rocks!). I went on for two rounds as everyone else did. Yummy. Enough said. :p

We collect money, RM5 from each person monthly just for our very own style of 'networking' and look at what we had. Nasi Lemak and Laksa Sarawak. Can you see my bowl there with the red laksa broth? I'm drooling while typing this haha.... Get together and munch munch, there is no time for gossiping but eating. :p

I hate this weather. How I miss last month where we had cooler days and having hot Milo and enjoying our weekends' afternoon nap. As I expected, hundreds of cars jammed the road tonight, I guess everyone got out from the house and looking for cooler spots like shopping malls. Our bedroom's air-cond is dying and can't be serviced anymore. Got to replace it with new one. Shit.

In Sarong?? - Picture for Illustration Only.

I'm wearing a sarong while typing this at 12:47 in the midnight and had taken bath for twice since 5:00 p.m. I can feel my rashes popping out at my back and my arms. If I have millions in my account (in my dreams), I must have moved to a cooler country. This weather had caused so much troubles for me, I wanna be at my office, can't wait for Monday. :( My body has invaded by sore throat, dry cough, stupid flu, rashes what to say sticky sweats. Yieewwww!

Anyway, I have to go sleep now. In sweats.

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