
Thursday, February 12, 2009


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How's everything? Fine? Not good? Naaaa.. everyone has their own bad and good days so just go thru all that with smile and positive attitude. Nothing to rave about this week, only that my girl is now keep on thinking herself on becoming the next Hannah Montana. OMG, yes, whatever. She even skipped her dinner tonight and had her bowl of honey cornflakes as early as 6:00 p.m. Yeah, I know, she's concern about her look now as she recently told me that she wanted to participate in the next year's Miss Cheongsam at her school. OK girl, Mama will support you don't ya ever worry! *wink.

Almost had some squabbling at home yesterday. It was my MIL who had a gastric attack and my hubby went bla bla bla and bla blaming her for being so ridiculously selective in eating. Oh yes, she's quite picky and easily get bored with the same 'city' menu. Surprisingly, my MIL is a city 'girl'. She's born and bred in Kuching but has the tongue of typical 'longhouse' Iban lady. I always bumped into her complaining stuff like, "It's either fish, meat, fish, meat or fish, meat, fish, meat.... " She is more to something that she would call, 'lauk babas' (jungle foodstuff) like ferns, bamboo shoots, wild boar, river fish and some other funny names of jungle shoots that I can't recall. She loves to go marketing at 'Pasar Minggu' or at 7th Mile and sometimes as far as 10th Mile, Penrissen Road for the sake of 'lauk babas'. It's OK with us for it's done once a week but my FIL isn't the right person for the job of chaffeuring! Dang! My husband??? It's a No-No for him to drive her , excuse me.. to wake up early on the weekends and drive her mom and a No-No for me because I hate to park my car very far from the market. I really hate when I stop at one fish stall, I sweat like rain!!! Please pardon a big size person like me, I sweat a lot, even when walking for let say, 500 metres but heck it's good, I repeat it's good, GOODDDDDDD, for me (I know you guys will pinpoint me and say it's for exercise) and do you look NORMAL but it will always followed by BIG QUESTION MARK on the public face for seeing you, like bathing in sweats under the heavy stormy rain?? It happened OK, in KL. We were on our journey from KL to Kuching a year ago. Everyone was like shivering in cold, wearing sweater but me???? My hair and blouse was soaking wet in sweats!!!!!!! You want to know why? Because that mother-bucker Air Asia let all the patrons walking as far as 3 miles??? *Joking. To board the plane. Shit. Yes, everyone CAN FLY but NOT EVERYONE CAN WALK VERY FAST AND GASPING FOR SOME AIR IN TEARS! Serious. I was crying while stepping on the staircase. Even the cabin crews were puzzled with me. Yes, I was the last person boarded the plane, yet I was the first exited the door. Muakakakka.... what a record! Thanks to my Ventolin inhaler in my purse. Otherwise, the Air Asia sexy stewardesses will gasp for some air lifting Miss Jumbo 2008 and send her to hospital for some neb. Cool ain't it.

Well, back to the main story. Phewww.. see? How far my grumbles have flown? Using Air Asia some more! *LOL* I can't actually proceed more for it's really making me like, turning into an Incredible Hulk with bra on, of course telling this story. Actually a lot more.

But I finally came to the conclusion, which has been understood by my beloved husband. I actually wanna be independent and I need my own air to breath. I was born to be an independent girl, so I need my privacy to be respected as well.

... I want to buy nice stuff without people peeking inside my shopping bag and scream "WHOAAAA!!!"

... I want to do baking freely and if I do something wrong nobody is bla bla behind me telling me this and that eventhough that noisy person is actually, doesn't know how to use kitchen scale.

... I don't want people to sneak peek my dressing table and checking my new stuff and 'test drive' them...

I don't like people touching my important stuff without my permission but then replace it forever..

... I want to invite my friends to the house and have fun on the weekends and having 'personal' conversations without someone who's not in the circle pull a chair and then join us , the bad ones, doing 'bad' things....

... First and foremost, I don't want to stay in my 'sanctuary' anymore and watching TV, newspapers Online. :p

... I want to feel like 'at home'...

... I'm sorry, I always feel like I am living in a transit. A transit before moving out but as everyone knows, I'm married to Mommy's boy. Only boy.

Oh boy...... I will be 31 next month but still live with parents. Technically.

Whadda life....

Anyway, I am grateful for I have the most precious jewels around me like Gabby, Papa, Akurians, The Facebookers Family Members, the Raja's Clan .... :p :p . Thanks to my busy job that always keep me away from sadness but giving me more strength to face tomorrow.

p/s: The blinkee below is for my own 'home'. :p Am I that bad???

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