
Friday, February 6, 2009


The best day of the week, it would be Friday. Our eyes will keep looking to the wall clock, asking why on earth the clock is ticking as slow as a walking snail? The magical thing that always happens on Friday is to clear the desk as fast as we could, which I did, yippiee!! Boss will be coming back to rock his butt on his maroon chair next Monday, then followed by travels and meetings awaiting him. Poor boss, *LOL*. No offense but it's truth that the bigger your position is, the heavier burden you have to carry and it's called responsibility.

Talking about responsibility, I haven't bought the mugs (for our pantry) that he asked for, yikes! Will do it maybe next week when he's busy with his meeting then I could ask someone to go out and buy. But luckily, I have set up the so called 'Anti-Stress' corner where we put some crayons to color the drawing that I have printed before.

This drawing is located facing the toilet entrance. Why did we put it there? Ok, let me put this way. When you're stress and need to release your urge or whenever you need a breakaway from the desk, you will surely try to drag your attention to pause and most people will go to the toilet. Well, that's the purpose, on the way to the toilet, you will stop by this drawing and grab one stick of crayon and do your thing on that piece of drawing. Interesting, ain't it?

Since the Valentine's Day is around the corner, I chose to print the 'Heart Couple'! Notice the lady heart has a beauty mark, a mole under her lips. I wonder who put that! The response was overwhelming and I don't think those crayons will last till next Friday. :p

Reveal the most exciting moment when boss is not around. Eating keropok (fish cracker) with Acar (pickles) !!!!!!

No matter how high our position ranks, no matter what our religion is, it is obviously that food unites us! *Giggles (",)

Have a wonderful weekends readers!

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