
Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Our friends, John and Priscilla know how to cheer us up. Yalah, after all the holocaust we had last week and look at what we had on Saturday! Please pay attention readers, all food served was solely for the 'ladies' table. Guys sat outside and BBQ-ed for us! Woohoo!! We were the Queens for the day.

Crayfishes. I'd kill for a bowl of this. Damn! They were big and juicy and the meat uuurrgghh!

100 grams (uncooked weight) of typical prawns contains 106 calories while there are 71 calories in 100 grams of Crayfish. Whoaaaa ... !!!! So it is obvious that eating CrayFISH is healthier, don't you agree?

This one? Some prawns (Siar) cooked by Mr. Ting himself. I reckon this is around 1.25kgs. Yum yum. I ate 80% of them. :p The flesh was so naturally sweet and we love to suck the head part, especially the brains. I had too much of them. *LOL*

BBQ is not complete without chicken wings. Oh ya, don't have the pictures of BBQ chicken franks, so Malaysian... ;)

Anyway, we finished by 6:00 p.m. and thanks so much to the Tings - John, Priscilla and Baby Samuel. We skipped dinner because everyone was stuffed and too lazy to cook. *BURP.

On the way home, we dropped by at this pet's shop at 2 1/2 mile to buy milk powder for our kittens - Anyik, Tuan and Bujang. Oh, bought some dog food for my bitch, Miss Marcella Elle. The guys then bought TOTO tickets. Wasting money, hahahahah!!

Ok, some ads to add. Should you wish to buy fresh crayfish, just contact me via this blog or YM to get Mr. Ting's HP number. Special price for my blog readers, the crayfish is sold for RM15 per kilogram. So, what are you waiting? Grab some today!!

Yummy. *DROOL*

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

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