
Monday, February 16, 2009


The Kings went for their weekend's ritual which is coincided with Valentine's Day, whichever the coincidence is as we always have Saturday's night out eating to bond the three Kings together and having private talks regarding works, school and life.

We drove up and down searching for good spot but found none except jammed! Yess... Kuching was jammed packed with vehicles. Kuchingites gave a full kick for this year's Valentine's celebration I guess. It's prolly the hot weather, everyone was getting out of the house and hibernated in the malls, I reckon. After nearly one hour cruising around, we finally parked in front of NH Food Network. Mork, you're gonna laugh to read this, laugh on! NH Food Network??? What to do.. no other places to go maaaa....

This was captured along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman (Waterfront Area), see how congested the traffic was that night!

This is a striking pose! Uh uh, I didn't ask her to pose like that. It's au natural. We love this particular eating spot, thanks to my Uncle Mork, can call u uncle meh Mork? Hahahah.... and Loli who introduced this place to us. My family loves this place because of its reasonable price, the ambience is heartwarming and very conducive for families to experience dining al fresco style at night.

Some of the captivating captured images done by me and Gabby. Yes, she took my picture by using my HP camera. Ignore the chubby momma, she's actually suffering from a growling stomach. Grrrookk .. grookkkkk.... (I skipped lunch because of this so please appreciate and respect me. *LOL)
What we had that night. 3 plates of Grilled Chicken Chop, Teh Tarik Ice, Watermelon Juice, Coke Float and a bowl of Potato Wedges. Hubby whispered to me later, that those bulkies were cheap!! How cheap I asked. RM50 for all of that.. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. cheaper than McD!!! LoL**

Took a stroll in the car later on to enjoy the nightlife of Miau City. Not so much to rave about just silly jam. There's no roses, no bear or balloon to enlighten the mood, just too commercial. The thing that is more important to us is 2 weeks away after Valentine's Day, we must celebrate the day. The day when we found that we are fated for each other, the beginning when love bonded us so strongly and we have found togetherness in love eternity.

Yes, this end of the month, we'll be celebrating our 9th Wedding Anniversary! Yippie yayy!!! There will be an entry to follow so readers, stay tuned!

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