
Thursday, February 26, 2009


Besides GreenHill Corner, there is one kopitiam that we use to have our breakfast every morning. Chin Heng Cafe is the name. Their specialty is their Kolok Mee, very classic - served in an old porcelain bowl and pale but tasty. The Taukey loves to put lots of porky balls for us! If you know where the pub 'Ruai' is then you must know where this kopitiam is located.

My favourite starter of the day. Strong black coffee with milk. I will blog about the Kolok Mee next week perhaps but there's one thing that draws my attention whenever I am enjoying my bowl of hot Kolok, I will see this regular panorama, every morning.

This particular cafe is not only a famous hang-out spot for taxi drivers. Oh yes, not forgetting to mention it is indeed the best hidden spot for the afternoon session school boys to hang-out with their friends, sipping a cup of Kopi O' and smoking.

..... These youngsters I guess are still in lower secondary i.e. Form 1 & Form 2. Their futures are still blurry and based on their over exposed and loud conversation, it seems that they don't know what they are grumbling about. Their hot topics are mostly about girls and which cigarette is the cheapest. ^_^

.... Hmm.. nice puff there lil' buddy! Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be the future's not ours to see, que sera sera.. what will be, will be....

p/s: If this school's teachers read my blog, please visit Chin Heng Cafe after 7:10 a.m. every morning and check it out.

.. Cokelatrawkz ..

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