
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Six Word Stories Volume 1 by Donna Duffy

Here are some of the six word garden stories I've gotten so far. Try it! Email me your stories at or put some stories in the comments!

Diggin' Donna


I'm back!

With style!


Stupid hot weather, I can't stand the heat till I run crazy and cut my hair shorter, shortest this far, I guess.

See? I am sad. Sad but true. Obviously because of the haircut or the weather? Haha! Yes, I curse the pandemic influenza or whatever terms it should be called. Swine flu, selsema babi or 'renga babi' in Iban. We don't walk anymore in the office, we run instead. Our typing speed now exhilarated at 250 words per minute! Whewww!!

A very good example of a clear desktop. *What a boastful statement! It's not easy to maintain this look, OK? I bleed my finger, PRIOR TO SUPER-SPEED-TYPING all the time, make believe har har har!... *:P So I deserve to get a holiday, yay! Happy belated Labour Day to all my working, career readers. What did you guys do during the weekends? Bet some of you went for vacation, BBQ, snoring at home..etc ;) What did I do? Nothing much, I went thru stacking of plates becos of my PMS. Reason accepted reasonably? :P

Went to attend cousin Marvin's wedding dinner at Harbour View on Saturday's nite. We arrived 1 hour later than expected but we enjoyed ourselves very much. Nay, we didn't drunk but the food was good yum yum! Met my uncle Peter, Aunty Swaynie, cousin Fly, cousin Audrey and Jojo, Vernon boy (Vernon, when is ur turn boy??) so glad to see cousin Marvin is finally settled down. He found his true love who happens to be our relative, too! Reminds me of hubby and I. Pandai sungguh awak carik bini ye Marv? ahahahaa... Anyway best wishes and prayer for both of you. *hugs

Back to the eating stories. This blog isn't complete without posting about foodie and such. Agree? Well, we went to a new food court, called C121 at Tabuan Laru/Stutong area. It's very easy to get your butt there. Oh, thanks to David who introduced the place to us. We tried their Penang style kueh tiaw goreng and it was good, damn good!

Yeah. The fountain. We love sit next to it. Actually, the tables next to it are quite hidden. I am an ogre, must hide you know. :P

OK. The appetizer. Go to the dim sum stall. These tiny cutie kuehs are sold for RM 2.50 per packet. Too much for 2 persons don't you think so? Nay! Those are for Prince Shrek and Princess Fiona. We are ogres and ogres must eat a lot.

The main course. Penang (Dang! we love all the food at this particular Penang's stall) Braised Meat Noodles. Oh yes, don't forget to order a big glass of sugarcane juice.

I'm now addicted to go to this place.

I'm trying hard to convince Prince Shrek to go there again....

Looking at the pic again, I' m drooling. :p

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

my room

My sister recently organized my craft room
Oh my...need to get busy

Every cupboard is now labeled
Thanks Lisa
Okay....time to use this stuff...
ink, stamps, Big shot, Score Pal....
ready set go...
to see more

Naked Gardening Day? by Carol King

I don’t know about you, dear gardener, but I am still recovering from all the partying we have been doing this month. It started with April being both National Garden Month and National Lawn Care Month. My sister is a Floridian so of course I had to celebrate National Florida Tomato Month with her; as she insisted. And with my penchant for straw cowboy hats, I HAD to celebrate National Straw Hat Month. On top of all these, Earth Day was April 22 followed by Arbor Day on the 25th. I was considering resting for the next couple of weeks, that coupled with some of the hangover cures I have read about, I should be fine.
Then I discovered that May 2 is World Naked Gardening Day. Their promo reads “Get ready for the Fifth Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! People across the globe are encouraged, on Saturday, May 2, 2009 to tend their portion of the world's garden clothed as nature intended.” Now I don’t know about you, but while I love partying as much as the next person, I may just pass this one up even though it is a World event not just a National event.
As I seriously considered participating in this day, I believe that it cannot be created by gardeners. Real gardeners know how dangerous our hobby is. We are like Indiana Joneses: adventurers who look death in the face every day.

Imagine celebrating World Naked Gardening Day with some of the scary things we encounter. Insects with proboscis, stingers, cutting jaws, fangs, mandibles, pinching claws, sucking and scissors-like mouth parts and have you looked closely at the pinchers on the earwig? Yikes. Think of the dangers of the plants themselves: plants with thorns, burrs, thistles, stickers, not to mention the limbs and twigs that stick out every which way ready to poke you. They don’t call it Crown of Thorns or Prickly Pear cactus for nothing.
What about the plants that causes all kinds of itchy rashes like poison ivy, and its cousins oak and sumac, ragweed and stinging nettle? And the sun, my goodness, the high altitude sun: the ultraviolet rays from the sun are more intense and therefore more damaging. Even when it is cloudy the risk of sunburn is extreme.
Then there are our tools: sharp, pinchie, pokie tools like pruners, rakes, knives, axes, weeders, hoes and loppers, dear gardener, think of loppers.
Don’t forget those pesky county, city, and state ordinances that say something gloomy about public indecency; always taking the fun out of everything.
Now granted it is kind of amusing to think of all your neighbors outside planting and mowing, watering and weeding. Imagine visiting the garden center for pansies and the clerk helps load your car with mulch and bags of compost; no no let’s don’t go there……… Nope. I’m hiding indoors all day May 2 after that thought!


Went to park last Sunday. Yeah, the internal calling urging for calories burning upon heavy sets of lunch and dinner a day before. Get down to burn those calories with Miss Gabriella Conchita!

Burn baby burn! Burn baby burn! Burn baby burn! Burn baby burn! Burnin'!

To mass fires, yes! One hundred stories high
People gettin' loose y'all gettin' down on the roof - Do you hear?
(the folks are flaming)Folks were screamin' - out of control
It was so entertainin' - when the boogie started to explode
I heard somebody say

Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down
Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down

Satisfaction (uhu hu hu) came in the chain reaction
(burnin') I couldn't get enough, (till I had to self-destroy)so I had to
self destruct, (uhu hu hu)
The heat was on (burnin'), rising to the top, huh!
Everybody's goin' strong (uhu hu hu)
And that is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say

Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down, yoh!
Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down

Up above my head I hear music in the air - I hear music!
That makes me know there's (somebody)a promise somewhere

Satisfaction came in a chain reaction - Do you hear?
I couldn't get enough, so I had to self destruct,
The heat was on, rising to the top
Everybody's goin' strong
That is when my spark got hot
I heard somebody say

Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno! (Aah yeah!)
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down
Burn baby burn! - Disco inferno, yeah!
Burn baby burn! - Burn that mama down x2 Burnin'!

I just can't stop
When(till) my spark gets hot
Just can't stop
When my spark gets hot

Gabby tired after the workout, errrkk the hopping and playground vandalizing!

Gabriella Conchita was located at:

Kenyalang's Traffic Park (Taman Lalulintas Kenyalang), on 26th April 2009, 5:15 p.m.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comLa la la la..!

Miss Coki would like to wish my fellow Private Secretaries, Personal Secretaries, Junior Secretaries, Administrative Executives, Personal Assistants, Pembantu Tadbir (Kesetiausahaan) or Pembantu Khas as what we're called in Federal Govt' offices. (I found out that in State Govt offices some of us are known as 'Jurutrengkas' - very old skool title somewhat!)

Bah kali tok kitak urang nengar Miss Coki tutor Melayu eh. Cali sik? *Meransak jak bapak ku di umah nun, sorry Pak Charlie..hahhhahaha! Entri khas kali tok Miss Coki mok berkongsi beberapa tips hebat untuk P.A.² nok baru menceborkan dirik dalam bidang Kesetiausahaan tok. Untuk adik-adik semua, kerja kita tok zahirnya tek nang glemer. Ney endak, sebut jak Sketri arum bulak terbayang² sosok sorang pontianak wanita makei mini skirt berbaju glemer. Mun zaman 70-an marek eh, rambut kedak Noor Kumalasari, rambut Charlie Angels kata urang. Kakya masok zaman Noreen Noor tahun 80-an, esedo tebal, gincu oren, sumpin besar eh! Masok 90-an lain agik juak pesen lipstik mesti kaler maroon sampei tebal bibir jadik nyeh. Masuk abad ke 21 lagikla pesen di revival di recycle diulangpakei tah sik tauk ku madah kedak ney. Mun nektok baju kot suma betali pinggang besar, makei kebaya alu berlace riben koatan tek pesen namanya! Bah, udah nama pesen ney ndak? kah..kah.. kah..

Masuk taun tok, dah 9 tahun Miss Coki jadi P.A.. Bukan senang mok ngintu boss wei, telah lagik mun boss kitak urang ya ompuan. Assappai.. seliseh maleykat 44 boss Miss Coki minak 2 orang jak ompuan tapi sekejap ajak kerja ngan daknya dlm beberapa bulan ajak. Jadi PA tok bukan stakat mekap ko tebal, style ko glemer nyahhhh mun keja ko K.O. tetaplah kau K.O. , OK? Bah, macam-macam cerita dah jadi didengar telinga ditangga mata nangga kawan2 sekeliling yang sama kerja jadi PA. Bidang kerja tetap sama, yang lain nya minak beban kerja. Ada yang rilek sampei boleh bejalan2 raun ke mall, ada nok busy sampei mok tido boss gago betipon.

Alu lah lari topik leka ngerepak nak, bah juh gik.. kita nangga tips yang bagus dikongsi bersama kedong urang putih mdh, sharing is caring tek nak..

Tips 1 - Mun Boring:
kitak urang mun udah nangga komputer lamak2 embak naip apa bagei.... mesti boring nak? Mun Miss Coki lalu la kelat bigik mata... so tentulah tak urang molah kopi kah, jaik2 beloya ngan member sebelah mun sik begayut rah tipon. Mun kopi sekda stok, member sekda seblah Miss Coki mesti melayan...

Facebook???!!!!!! Bukan.... coba tak urang nangga jam hitam tepi belah kerek? Iyalah Google Desktop namanya deng oii. Nak apa diengkah ku sia? Yalah tempat pakey engkah list apa kerja2 yang kitak urang mok polah hari ya. Tok mesti berdisiplin kay? (coba tak urang klik gambar atas ya.. iboh heran nangga list ya bujat gilak, pakei plentey bah di blog tok hehehehe) At the end of the day, kitak urang mesti habiskan kerja dalam senarai ya. Facebook tok sebenarnya pakei penghibor hati pakei beranok beguro ngan kengkawan jauh dan dekat secara online.

Haaaa.. gambar debah tok barulah kerja namanya. Aku nang bergantong menar ngan Google Desktop kakya Microsoft Outlook (di print seminggu sekali, kakya simpan lam folder transparent engkah atas meja) pakei update boss mpun diary.

Tips 2 : Mun kantoi:
Kitak urang penah sik tengah leka berYM, berFaebook tiba2 boss tuguk2 dah ada depan mata? Hey, iboh ngerebat nong alu berswitch off semua.

Cara menutup windows ya cepat-cepat nak, ada caranya.. tunggu lok deng, ilek2 bah... tok akak nunjok. Haaaa.. ada tak ruang nangga keybod tak urang sik? Tekan lambang windows - tahan jangan lepas (rupa penjan ya bah!) kakya tekan D.. . Secara otomatik windows akan pulang ke desktop. :P cepat deng oi, lebih cepat dari Gaban betukar baju koatan laju tek.

Haaa.. turun terus suma windows nak? Iyaaaaaahhh.. best sik? mejik sik? Jadi, next time ingat time ingat tips dari Miss Coki tok kayyyy?

Tips 3 : Style Berjawab
Cara2 kita menjawab pertanyaan boss pun memainkan peranan dalam memastikan bahawa kita tok P.A yang hebat ke sik. Sebagai contoh, banyak kali aku kantoi sebab flight belum dibooking, hotel lupak dibooking, driver lupak dibooking. Maklumla sebagai manusia biasa banyak benda mok diingat....... yalah tek ujung2 boss ke lain, diary ke lain. Cara Miss Coki menjawab boss pun memang ada style! Style apa?? Style kantoi ok??? contohnya.... *tetak

Boss : Dah ko booking belon ku tek? sapa ngantar ku esok?

Miss Coki : Udah boss! Kul 2pm tok sidak nya kompem. Esok kamek rasa Jul ngantar kitak tadik mek coba kontek nya sek pat dikontek kaktok mek coba lagik. Kitak berik mek 5 minit kaktok mek ngagak kitak agik! **maka jari agi naip chatting di YM

Lepas ya bila boss dah berambus cepat2 tak urang angkat tipon terus ngator belon nya ngan transport nya sekali.... lepas ya dengan muka konpiden kitak urang masok bilik boss, berjalan dengan gaya professional abis... kitak urang lalu mdah info ngan nya semua skali secara details. Kompem nya madah TERIMA KASIH ngan kitak urang lekak ya..... percayalahhh.... nescaya berhasil.

Tips 4 : Komited gila babun kepada boss
Mun dpt eh, hafal setiap sesuatu bekenaan boss kitak urang - no hp, I.C., no rumah, nama anak2, nama bini, no. akaun, no Enrich card etc... apa kesukaannya (makanan, minuman, tempat duduk dalam belon, hotel). Semua tok harus ditauk oleh tak urang. Mesti boss ktk urang rasa bangga dan dihargai

Tips 5 : Sentiasa sedia untuk tersenyum walau apa pun masalah nimpak palak ktk urang.
Sikda mood mok keja? Ada hal peribadi? Sebelum ngangkat tipon, coba untuk senyum! Gerenti sik jadi kitak urang nerengak pemanggil yang tidak besalah di tipon.

Tips 6 : Jangan berjawab orang yang nerengak ktk urang
Sikda nya mok ngalah, cara Miss Coki handle manusia kurang ajar macam tok adalah seperti di entry2 dolok. Mun nya nanyak nerengak2 kita, just jawab ajak kedak style robot tp harus diulang berkali2. Kitak urang tanggar jak gerenti nya boring!

So? Apa macam kawan2 suma? Mesti ktk urang ingat Miss Coki tok main2 kali. Sesungguhnya tips2 di atas yalah yang Miss Coki slalu amalkan. Jangan boring, makin suka Miss Coki jadi Secretary eh! Last sekali nak, Miss Coki mok merik kitak urang P.A.2 semua sebuah puisi pakei membakar semangat kitak urang untuk bekerja !

Secretary Of The Day

A secretary's work
is a never-ending job
Good secretaries
anyone would rob

Anwers telephones
types part of the day
Files a lot of paperwork
she should get more pay

Makes appointments
keeps them all on file
Has to go back to them
every once and awhile

Goes home exhausted
where there is more to do
Getting ready for tomorrow
the work is never through

Love the poem so much, so enjoy your jobs while you can all Secretaries out there, this month is our month, indeed!

Good Friends are Good to Have and Mini Magician Makes Things Disappear

The other day the wind was so bad here in Michigan I had a catastrophe at my house. The wind blew off almost all of the siding from the front of my house. I walked into my kitchen, heard a strange noise and saw something flapping in front of my window. I looked out and discovered it was my siding. I was in shock then I was mad.

I freaked and called my husband who was over an hour away. He said he would call someone. he did, called me back and said T and J were coming over. I had hardly hung up with Rob (hubby) when T knocked on the door. In minutes he had a ladder and was up against the house nailing and hammering. Then J dropped by and they determined they needed bigger nails and more tools. My husband made it home in record time and they went to Home Depot got what they needed and put my siding back where it belonged so I could stop panicking.

Sorry, I did so not want to have to deal with the insurance company and days maybe weeks of no siding on the front of my house.

Too bad in all the hubbub of fixing the siding they crushed and trampled some of my flowers.

Oh well, small price to pay to have my house fixed.

It is just so wonderful to have good friends to call on, they were here in minutes...and it is always like that with these guys. If they call Rob he's out the door in seconds, if he calls them they come running.

Good friends are rare and precious gifts.

On another note having a mini magician in the house is not so precious. My toddler who will be three in a couple weeks has the gift of being able to make things disappear. Books, DVD's, toys, clothes, and umost frequently... sippy cups.

Every day at least once we go on a sippy cup hunt. One time we lost one for over a year. Yuck! We finally found it in the back of a little used cabinet. Gross.

Now the problem is my little guy's shoes. Yes, his shoes are gone. We can not find them anywhere and it is driving me nuts. One minute they were there then when we were ready to leave they were totally gone. GONE. My house isn't that big and I have opened every closet, cabinet and cupboard even drawers and found nothing. Where on earth could the shoes have gone.

I might actually have to go buy him new shoes if they don't turn up soon and that is going to really tick me off since those were his new shoes.

Where could my mini magician have hid his shoes?

Tell Us A Story by Donna Duffy

Can you tell a gardening story in six words?

Maybeyou've heard of the literary craze sweeping the internet-it's called "Six Word Memoirs. " Check out the website at

It's quite fun and entertaining. As I was reading some of the six word memoirs this morning, I thought...why can't we have six word gardening stories?

Here are some examples I came up with:

Pampas grass now snoring soon soaring.
Peace loving gardener gleefully tortures dandelions.
Digger poised...wait! Weed or flower?
Who knew it would spread everywhere?
Sowed one seed grew a life.

Try it! Write your own six word gardening story and send it to me at I'll compile them and put them on the blog. Send more than one! Include a photo! let me know if you want your name included.

Send story soon just can't wait.

May Mania

The month of May is upon me. Yes technically it doesn't start until Friday but my May Mania has already begun.

The month of May leaves me with A LOT to do. Saturday kicks off my daughter's 10th Birthday. So this week I am cleaning, shopping, and planning her small sleepover party.

The following weekend is my husband's birthday. More cleaning, shopping and party prep. Then Sunday is Mother's Day. Yippee, more cleaning, cooking and cleanup or whatever. I would rather not do anything to celebrate. That would be my celebration, a day of nothing to do.

But no my mother would never dream of or understand such nonsense. She wants a big dinner at home or out somewhere which means lines and crowded restaurants and stuff I do not like.

I would love to have even 2 hours alone, no one, nada, nothing to bother me- not even the freakin cat.

Then after all that my littlest child's birthday is May 21st, he'll be 3. More shopping, blah, blah, blah... and more cake. After May I am so done with cake I never ever crave it...ever. I am not a cake person to begin with.

After that is Memorial weekend, parties, cookouts, stuff to keep me busy on top of the mile long to-do list I already have everyday then there's my garden and the lawn and all that stuff that needs to be done outside.

Arg. Can I skip May? As you see I am usually an easy going person but May Mania drives me crazy and makes me just want to skip it all.

30 Ways to Have a Green Summer

Today I have a special post by Mary K. Boehmer the creator of

Summer is right around the corner and here are some ideas to make it a fun and green summer!

1) Give Green. (plant a tree)

2) Have your family clean your house with non-toxic cleaning products.Play your favorite music loud on your iPod.

3) Veggie Challenge: Who can eat the most veggie/plant-based meals in one week? Whose plate is the most colorful i.e. red peppers, yellow peppers, purple beets, orange carrots?

4) Breakfast Table: Say one thing with your family you will do today to help the earth. Dinner Table: Re-cap what you did during the day to contribute to a greener, cleaner World for us all.

5) Eliminate Microwave Use: it genetically modifies your food.

6) Plant a Garden: If you live in a city plant in some flower pots.Plants and Flowers are GREAT air-purifiers and increase oxygen in the home. They are less expansive then the air purifying machines you buy in a store.

7) Stop buying bottled water. Invest in a home-system water filter. Goon a family mini weekend vacation with all the money you will save from giving up bottled water.

8) Say no to toxic nail polish for one month! Indulge in a "Buff"Manicure and Pedicure. This is for men and women and boys and girls!

9) Another option for Veggie Challenge! 30 Days of 1 Salad a Day -have at least one Salad a Day for 30 Days: the greener the salad the better!

10) Invest in a Mini-trampoline the entire family can use! I.E.Rebounding; its fun, healthy, and increases the flow of a person's lymphatic system which is the "garbage disposal" of the waste and toxins in your body.

11) Build an Organic Vegetable Castle out of Fruits and Vegetables. Decorate Castle with Maple Syrup and Chocolate Sauce.Serve as an appetizer at a neighborhood dinner party or children's play date. This also makes a great activity for ALL holidays. You can make veggie/fruit Gingerbread Houses at Christmas, American Flags on July Fourth! This is yummy and memorable and brings awareness to how much fun fruits and vegetables can be during special occasions.

12) Make homemade non-toxic eco-friendly SOAP : smells SO GOOD! This is a great thing for children to make and "sell" to friends and family.

13) Old School Lemonade Stand: UPGRADE: fresh lemonade made with agave or stevia! Give the money made to an eco-company, foundation or organization of your choice.

14) Make eco-trail mix! So many combinations!

15) Have an eco-picnic party. Gather friends from around the neighborhood pack an organic, local picnic basket and head to the park. Spend the day picking up trash around the park and then indulge in your yummy eco-picnic party. Play Frisbee or wiffle ball. Everyone MUST wear GREEN.

16) Flashlight Night! Turn off all the lights in your house for one night. Turn off all the computers, tv, phone. Turn on your flashlights. Sit around the living room and tell your favorite jokes!Feel good about the amount of energy you are saving.

17) Grow a tray of wheatgrass for PENNIES a week!

18) Bring someone in need a Vegetable Gift Basket from your local Farmer's Market; share with them what your favorite local, organic vegetable is and in turn ask them what their favorite vegetable is

19) If deciding what to buy learn what foods should be organic? Learn the difference between "most contaminated foods" vs. "least contaminated foods".

20) If you cannot afford organic or local - use 1/4 cup vinegar in a sink full of water to wash produce and dissolve pesticide residues from the skin surface.

21) The average distance food travel from place to place is 1,500miles - support small, local businesses and seasonal produce.

22) Learn about produce -"most perishable" vs. "least perishable"

23) Shopping Tip: When buying in a store, it is difficult to know how long a product has been on the shelf. The busier the store, the more likely it is that a product has been there for less time. Ordering from online suppliers or buying locally will generally mean a fresher product. Buying larger, bulk quantities will get you a better price and split a case with others to save money.

24) Have an Organic Cook-Off Dinner Party: Everyone bring a dish they made from organic or local produce and at the end of the evening you award a Top 3 Best Dishes. You can do this everyone month at someone house, and by the end of the year you will have your own Cook-Book of great recipes. Going Green and Healing This Earth is mostly about being kind to your neighbor, about connection, community, and unity.Buy sharing a meal with neighbors, friends, and family you are putting towards efforts of love, joy, and healing - healing that will heal this Earth. The more love there is, the more loving people who take ultimate responsibility for this Earth - the Greener and Cleaner this Earth will be. Start small. In the home Start in the Kitchen. Start with the Fridge. Fill the Fridge with local and organic produce, fill your bodies with life force, fill your communities with fun events that contribute to society AND WE CAN HEAL THIS EARTH. Now - in the next 10 years.

25) Learn to breathe deeply, especially when you are near sources of oxygen (the ocean, fields and forests, running streams, green-houses,air-purifiers that produce oxygen.)

26) Spend 20-30 minutes outside each day before 10am and after 4pm! Sunlight is a wonderful immune-system builder.

27) Enjoy nature: Build a Tree House.

28) Buy Organic Bras and reduce Breast Cancer.

29) Become Your Own Unique Eco-Savvy Individual! Everyone is part of The Green Movement! Blog! Volunteer! Recycle! Reuse! Reduce! Make a YouTube Video! THE POWER OF ONE CAN CREATE AN ENORMOUS RIPPLE EFFECT!

30) Love Yourself. Love this Earth. Do not do anything to this Earth that you would not to do yourself. We are all one. We are in this together. We are getting Greener every single day.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Anticipation by Gardener Cumax

I have 3 major projects happening at the same time:
- Prepping my veggie garden and getting ready for seeding
- Installing xeric and winter hardy succulents in the front yard
- Building 4 compost areas in the corner of the backyard.

The veggie garden prepping is basically finished. The area you see in the foreground can wait a few more weeks when I take possession of several tomato seedlings. A few weeks after that I have 6 more seedlings arriving and then I have black plastic mulch to install as well as drip irrigation.

The seed screen is that chickenwire frame you see here. The purpose of this screen is to help me plant veggie seeds. If you haven't planted lettuce and carrot seeds, then it can be rather stressful if you don't know where to look.

What I do is use the screen as a guide to poke my holes in the dirt and then drops the seed(s) in. I then pinch the hole closed.

Before I could even make this screen I had to completely dismantle a riveted patio umbrella than got knocked silly by a rogue wind storm last mid-July. Trimming trees is dangerous. I was 20' up in the huge 45 year old apple trees we have when the wind picked up. My intuition said to get down immediately; so I did. Immediately the wind blew from the south with such force that is took the umbrella and its 65 pound weighted anchor and slammed it up into the picnic table and hurled all 3 items about 25'.


I'm sure glad I got out of the tree because that was quite the powerful wind burst.

I retired the umbrella to the garage until I could figure out how to recycle its material; that's where the seed screen comes from. Turns out this umbrella is really, really old. The wood is teak. So I'm the proud owner of a teak seed screen that won't see much use but a few days a year.

El Madrazo De Hoy...

Insisto, demasiado tiempo libre. Gran video, cheken las patitas de la morra q azota, jajajajajajaja.

Sin palabras.

El polĂ­grafo: La boda

Dado que estos dias tendre demasiados dias libres y por tanto demasiado tiempo de ocio, estare publicando mas a menudo, en este su blog de confianza. Igual y ya han visto este video, pero es demasiado bueno.

Eco Mother's Day Crafts and Tips from the Authors of Celebrate Green

Simple, Earth-friendly, Meaningful Crafts for Mother's Day
from the Authors of Celebrate Green

Money is tight right now. But money doesn't have to stand in the way of honoring your mom (and Mother Earth). You can make a beautiful and more importantly, meaningful, gift for Mother's Day. And what mom would not be thrilled to receive an item infused with meaning made by hand from someone she loves?

Here are a few ideas. Most cost little to nothing in money or environmental terms because you're rescuing items that often are tossed or left sitting in a closet or drawer.

Picture frame jewelry holder

1) Choose an old picture frame and remove any backing. You can decorate the frame with paint, fabric or other appropriate decoration to match mom's bedroom or bathroom decor or leave it plain.

2) Cut a piece of window screen that overlaps the back of the frame 1/2 inch. (Remember when the dog charged through the screen and ripped it to shreds? If it's still lying around, here's the perfect use for it.)

3) Staple or nail the window screen to the back of the frame.

4) Screw in some cuphooks along the bottom of the frame to hold rings and/or in the top corners to hold necklaces and bracelets. Earring backs fit through the screen.

5) If you want the holder to hang, add a picture hangar to the back. Otherwise, it can sit on a small easel or rest against the wall.

Picture ball

No doubt you've got bunches of photos lying around from B.D. (Before Digital). One picture ball uses up 20 of them. This is a fun project that takes about a half hour and while a little tricky, once you get the basic idea, they're easy to make. Craft several with different themes--you as a baby, you as a teenager, you and your siblings.

Watch how one is made here or see the directions here.

Meaningful charms

Most moms have a several necklaces from which they can suspend charms. How about adding to mom's collection with a little creative crafting?

Any object in which you can punch a hole can be turned into a charm. Think about your mom's talents, work or leisure activities. For a teacher, make a pencil charm. For an artist, one from a tiny paint brush. If she's sentimental, a delicate baby spoon that belonged to you.

Artists are using this technique to create amazing and wonderful jewelry from objects that would normally be tossed. One of our favorites is Susan Lenert Kazmer.

Here's how to make the watch charm pictured here.

If your mom has an old watch that sits in her drawer, ask her if you can remake it, or pick one up at a yard sale (although it will be more meaningful if you use one one she already has).

1) Remove the face.

2) Glue it into a bottle cap.

3) Punch a hole in the cap near the top.

4) Fashion a loop from a piece of wire.

5) Add to a necklace or present on its own.

Here's a "charming" container for any small gift

1) Remove the label from an empty soup can.

2) Wash it.

3) Paint mom's favorite color.

4) Let dry.

5) Glue paper or ribbon all the way around the top edge.

6) Punch a hole on each side near the top and insert a piece of wire through the two holes forming a handle. (You can string on some buttons and charms after feeding one side through as done in the example.)

7) Once this is done, mash down on the top of the can so that the opening is no longer round, but more oval (although you don't have to do this either if you prefer a perfectly round can).

8) Glue on decorative accents and /or words cut from newspapers or magazines. A quote about mom or simply the words, "I love you, Mom," will work well.

9) If you have a shredder, fill the can with shredded paper (from a magazine to add color if you like). Fill the can leaving just enough room to rest the gift on top.

10) The can later can be filled with flowers and hung outside.

Top eco-tips for Mother's Day

1. Don't assume you know what mom wants to do or as a gift. She may prefer a picnic over brunch in a fancy restaurant.

2. When buying gifts, think locally made.

3. Avoid using wrapping paper. Substitute fabric wraps you make yourself from scarves or other fabric you have on hand, or purchase from a mom-owned company like Bobowrap. These can be used over and over again.

4. Give the gift of yourself. Whatever you can do for mom most certainly will be appreciated whether it's washing her car, cleaning her gutters, or sorting and organizing old photos. Find something you can do that costs nothing but your time. Repeat once a month for a year!

Top eco-picks for Mother's Day

1. Many moms appreciate receiving gifts that give. Give her a gift card from and she can donate to any of more than 300 non-profits.

2. Organic flowers are best for mom and the planet. Order from a local farm or online from

3. If you don't have a store nearby that offers sustainable gifts, try any of these:

~ Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and co-authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, available at


It's sunny outside there.. should I wash my comforter or not?

.... checking my detergent.







Yes, found it.


First post and Why you have things you enjoy doing ?
Abilities? Ways to bless others?
I know I do.
This blog is about the few things I do,
things accomplished, or in the works.
Maybe, you will be inspired to try something,
to retry a hobby, or finish something.
My sister, Lisa organized my Hobby room
NOW I need to get busy....
.....stay tuned

Thursday, April 23, 2009



Still remember my story about the lonely graveyard that laid by the roadside in Langgar, Kedah? My colleague, Suri alerted me with the story whilst I was in the middle of struggling with paperworks in the office today. Thanks Sue! The latest news today revealed that the exhuming will be done soon and reburial will take place on April 28, 2009 that is on next Tuesday. I was informed by Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd) Robert Rizal Abdullah @ Robert Madang Langi about the unfortunate news - even after scanned 100m radius, his late LKPL Ungkok ak. Jugam's remains couldn't be found.

I'd like to share with you his comments upon mine in his blog early today.

Dear Cokelat,

Thanks for your comments. I wanted a number of times to brief you on the progress of LKpl Ungkok's case but I couldn't go into your blog to make comments.I got the story from Wayne's blog who copied it from your blog.
(Jesus, I can't believe this oh my... so proud to read this line over and over again! GAH!)

Last year, I had my books launched by the CM of Sarawak in Kuching and I took the opportunity to brief him on the case. Later I wrote to Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran ATM who took up the case. The British Army couldn't move the grave as they couldn't locate the next-of-kin. There was an attempt to move it by Persatuan Bekas Perajurit, who had located the NOK but no further action was taken.

Anyway to cut the stshort, the reburial will be done on April 28, 2009. I will be there personally. There will be a big group of journalists. So watch out for the paper report. The sad thing is, his remain couldn't be found - even after a special scanning 100m radius (even under the highway.)

Something sad to hear about ain't it? Anyway, my fellow Sarawakians, together we pray for the Late LKPL Ungkok ak. Jugam and all who have perished sacrificing their lives for our country. Amen.

Spending Time With the Family!

Our visit with Todd, Ruth and Sammi has been fantastic! We've had a few afternoons and evenings where the whole family has been together, just hanging out. Jason was able to join us and the fellowship has been sweet! It's not like 'having the kids back home'. The dynamic is different. The family is larger but the way we relate to each other and communicate is much better. We have grown into a group of adults that truly enjoy each others company and companionship.

Having Sammi with us just adds to the blessing. She's so full of life and joy and is such a happy little girl. Ruth and Todd do a great job with her. Parenting seems to come so easy and natural to them. I think it shows in Sammi's disposition.

It's been great being able to reconnect with Todd. He's been working on remodeling our bathroom. He's a great carpenter and did a wonderful job putting new flooring and fixtures in for us. We've had the chance to ride into town together a number of times. It's a huge blessing knowing Ruth has married a godly man. Hearing Todd's heart for ministry and the work of the Lord is a huge encouragement. We don't see eye to eye on everything but both of us are learning from the same God and have the same Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. Sweet!

Tomorrow, we go to the zoo!

Today, here are some pictures Kelly took of Sammi out in our yard:


Yeeedeeh! Enjoy this slide show. It's heartbreaking to see how dirty our favourite Rambungan's Beach is now. Oh, not to mention the water. The wave, I mean. The ocean actually has swept the shack that we used to make as our resting spot. Same goes to the other house located nearby. So sad to see the beach now is dirty not because of thrash but the whole place was loaded with dead coconut palms.

Despite the gloomy and dirty beach, we noticed that the place actually getting more beautiful and the wave, ohhh getting bigger, too! I did capture some images and in this entry, I'd like to compare the place with the pictures that I took the last time we had our picnic there. It was during last year's Mother's Day.

2008: It was actually a king tide. Gabby and Grandma were playing in the water.

2009: The same king tide. Do you notice the big wave coming? The dirty place, such a disgrace! And the distance of the wave.. ooh so nearer now!

2008: The shack that I told you before. We just sat outside the balcony while having BBQ.

2009: The shack today. Uhuuuuuu.... *sad sighting.

I can accept the fact that this beautiful heaven-like beach is just like a junkyard but the thing that breaks my heart, to see my daughter, playing with the sand under the coconut tree (suddenly I remember Marsha's theme song: underneath pokok klapak, i will wait for you....).

Auuwwwwhhh.. pity to see her enjoying herself making sandcastle while surrounded by thrash. Oh, that's Gabby, not me OK?

.... Fun time! Big hippo baby girl mesmerized by the coming big wave. *Wheeeeeeee!!

Doesn't it touch your heart by reading my story and putting yourself in my size 10 shoes? If we don't care about the beach, I mean any beach in this planet, our kids will never enjoy the breezy sandy white beach during their school holidays. Go to hell with the expensive places like Damai Puri or other resorts for their cleanliness are taken care of. This is God's heaven created on earth but what have we done to appreciate it? Tarnish them?

Be proud of what we have today for it's a treasure for our kids tomorrow!


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