
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spending Time With the Family!

Our visit with Todd, Ruth and Sammi has been fantastic! We've had a few afternoons and evenings where the whole family has been together, just hanging out. Jason was able to join us and the fellowship has been sweet! It's not like 'having the kids back home'. The dynamic is different. The family is larger but the way we relate to each other and communicate is much better. We have grown into a group of adults that truly enjoy each others company and companionship.

Having Sammi with us just adds to the blessing. She's so full of life and joy and is such a happy little girl. Ruth and Todd do a great job with her. Parenting seems to come so easy and natural to them. I think it shows in Sammi's disposition.

It's been great being able to reconnect with Todd. He's been working on remodeling our bathroom. He's a great carpenter and did a wonderful job putting new flooring and fixtures in for us. We've had the chance to ride into town together a number of times. It's a huge blessing knowing Ruth has married a godly man. Hearing Todd's heart for ministry and the work of the Lord is a huge encouragement. We don't see eye to eye on everything but both of us are learning from the same God and have the same Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us. Sweet!

Tomorrow, we go to the zoo!

Today, here are some pictures Kelly took of Sammi out in our yard:

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