
Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here's a small selection of interesting items:

With all the activity and discussion about the economy, it might be helpful to see what a Trillion Dollars looks like. You can check it out Here. There's another good one here, but have your currency converters ready for this one.

Pastor Mark Driscoll faced off with Depok Chopra and two others in a live debate on ABC TV's Nightline. The subject matter, 'Does Satan Exist'. This is long but it is absolutely fascinating. Of particular interest to Christians will be Driscoll's closing comments, he reverts to a simple reading of God's word and it is an amazing and poignant commentary on the debate itself.

Have an opinion on worship music styles? Bob Kauflin has something to say about that issue here.

Have you seen "beardyman's" 'Beat Box Chef' yet?

Here's another video on the government's new approach to the automobile industry:

"What Does It Mean to ME?". John MacArthur addresses how we apply Scripture to our daily lives. He also examines the impact of teaching in the church that is based more on anecdotes and illustrations than on sound doctrine. "No discipline is more sorely needed in the contemporary church than expositional biblical teaching. Too many have bought the lie that doctrine is something abstract and threatening, unrelated to daily life." You can read the entire article Here.

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