
Thursday, April 9, 2009


Dang! It's my second day and my brain went half-dead. Woke up quite late this morning. I missed to say bye-bye to Gabby and Papa. Washed my hair today... Just like Erlinda it was a wrong decision to cut my front hair and makes me look like the boys from Click Five. Koh koh koh...

This is my favourite t-shirt at home. Cute, ain't it? Coki loves Baby Dinosaur.

Still suffering from sunburn. Wondering where did I go? Will reveal soon. When I woke up there was only coffee on the table. No bread. Nada!! Yiilekkk!! Yeah, I know there are cornflakes and oatmeal inside the cabinet but this hungry pang needs something heavier. I opened the fried found chillies. I checked the container I found ..hmm.. dried anchovies. I checked the rice pot, yes! Got some cold rice. Eggs, checked! What else? Of course the shallots and garlic were present too. 5 minutes later, tokk!! tokk!! tokk! Yeah's the sound of my 'lesung batu' (pestle and mortar) doing it's work. 20 minutes later.. wallahhhhh! Enjoying my super-hot Nasi Goreng (fried rice) while watching the 'YUMMY KING' at AFC's Astro. Yumyum. I wonder this is what Mak is doing everyday, jangan marah Maaaakkk! Haha!

blogger-emoticon.blogspot.comWe are not alone at home. My MIL is looking after our friend's toddler, Little Sam. This boy I tell you knows how to pose. When I pretend to capture his image, he automatically strikes a pose!

"Ngieheheheee.. Mommy, Sam is good little boy. Tak percayee keee? Ask aunty Coki."

Ignore the cinonet kitten. His name is 'Kancil', its Gabby's kitty. I miss my cold office, there is aircond, internet connection, friends to gossip with, kacang botak, 3 in 1 Milo. What the?? *Giggle. It's so hot at home. Aircond's not functioning well. Do you guys believe that I fall sick today? Yes, I'm coughing and having flu now. Obviously I don't belong at home, I'm an office freak. How am I going to attend the Good Friday's Mass tomorrrow morning? We have to wake up early and fasting. Uggggh... cobaaaan... cobaaaan...

Do you miss me my dear desk?

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