
Thursday, April 30, 2009


I'm back!

With style!


Stupid hot weather, I can't stand the heat till I run crazy and cut my hair shorter, shortest this far, I guess.

See? I am sad. Sad but true. Obviously because of the haircut or the weather? Haha! Yes, I curse the pandemic influenza or whatever terms it should be called. Swine flu, selsema babi or 'renga babi' in Iban. We don't walk anymore in the office, we run instead. Our typing speed now exhilarated at 250 words per minute! Whewww!!

A very good example of a clear desktop. *What a boastful statement! It's not easy to maintain this look, OK? I bleed my finger, PRIOR TO SUPER-SPEED-TYPING all the time, make believe har har har!... *:P So I deserve to get a holiday, yay! Happy belated Labour Day to all my working, career readers. What did you guys do during the weekends? Bet some of you went for vacation, BBQ, snoring at home..etc ;) What did I do? Nothing much, I went thru stacking of plates becos of my PMS. Reason accepted reasonably? :P

Went to attend cousin Marvin's wedding dinner at Harbour View on Saturday's nite. We arrived 1 hour later than expected but we enjoyed ourselves very much. Nay, we didn't drunk but the food was good yum yum! Met my uncle Peter, Aunty Swaynie, cousin Fly, cousin Audrey and Jojo, Vernon boy (Vernon, when is ur turn boy??) so glad to see cousin Marvin is finally settled down. He found his true love who happens to be our relative, too! Reminds me of hubby and I. Pandai sungguh awak carik bini ye Marv? ahahahaa... Anyway best wishes and prayer for both of you. *hugs

Back to the eating stories. This blog isn't complete without posting about foodie and such. Agree? Well, we went to a new food court, called C121 at Tabuan Laru/Stutong area. It's very easy to get your butt there. Oh, thanks to David who introduced the place to us. We tried their Penang style kueh tiaw goreng and it was good, damn good!

Yeah. The fountain. We love sit next to it. Actually, the tables next to it are quite hidden. I am an ogre, must hide you know. :P

OK. The appetizer. Go to the dim sum stall. These tiny cutie kuehs are sold for RM 2.50 per packet. Too much for 2 persons don't you think so? Nay! Those are for Prince Shrek and Princess Fiona. We are ogres and ogres must eat a lot.

The main course. Penang (Dang! we love all the food at this particular Penang's stall) Braised Meat Noodles. Oh yes, don't forget to order a big glass of sugarcane juice.

I'm now addicted to go to this place.

I'm trying hard to convince Prince Shrek to go there again....

Looking at the pic again, I' m drooling. :p

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