
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WORKING FROM HOME I'm on leave from today and tomorrow. It's about time that this body and mind go for a breakaway from the hectic busy desktop and move to a sedentary desk at home. Woke up at 8:30 a.m., I saw my first buzz on my HP. Yes, as I expected the missed calls were coming from the office. 7 times of them. Switched on the PC, I logged into my YM. My girls are online! I, then continued to do some typing of incompleted tasks, yes I brought them home.

Noontime, I excused myself from the intriguing PC and prepared lunch for my hubby came home with empty tummy. Took a nap for 15 minutes, I then proceeded to my PC and did my work again.

Evening came. Went downstairs to cook and prepared table for dinner. Gabby helped with the setting too. It's been 30 minutes ago we had our dinner. I'm still smelling like kitchen. Need a bath now.

It's cool working at home actually. Do the typing and send to office via email. But from the story itself, I sound a bit boring. Don't you think so? God, give me strength to face tomorrow for now I am stuck in the midst of boredom.

p/s: Do you love my new blog's layout?

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