
Monday, March 1, 2010


29th February 2000, the leap year. We tied the knot before the Registrar of Marriage, Mr. Lee Jin Howe that time. (Mr. Lee then became my colleague few years later, ahaha!). Dejavu or coincident? Haha. Our love story began
at university and married a year later.

Cheese cake. 1/2 kg for 5 pax? Enough. Courtesy of Taka Bakery. Marriage is very cheesy, as cheesy as a cheesecake. What we have in common binds us in every aspect. We love food, we love music. When we fight, we try the best not to exaggerate the condition for more than 30 minutes. Then, we broke the uncommon and befriend again. We're best friends, we're lovers, we're parents, we're music fans - but there are some situations, despite our sex, haha, we're uncommon like he's a hommy guy while I love outing. In certain ways, I am more brave to do something new compared to him. He's quite traditional and I'm modern. But still, I respect him as a husband and head of the family.

Our love. Miss Gabriella insisted to cut the cake with me. She was born on November 7, 2000, 9 months precisely after we've married. Bunting pelamin kata orang tua? Haha.

Celebrating together with the Kings, additional favourite cats of mine, Putin (on the left) and Baby Bujang. KLASIK SUNGGOH NAMA KUCING HAMBA. Haha.

Miss Coki is not a Miss Coki if she ain't do the cooking thingy. Pardon me, I didn't snap the pictures because everyone was like rushing to have dinner - in starvation or because I cooked Black Pepper Beef, Sweet & Sour Fish, Carrots & Cauliflower with Fried Luncheon Meat, Luncheon Meat in Sweet 'Sedaap' Soy Sauce and grilled cheese sausages. Drooling??

Hmm.. I saw this at Taka Bakery. It's their chocolate cookies name. Cool eh!

With Love,

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