
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prayer Opportunities for Kenya

I have been in touch with Gideon Mudenyo, a Pastor in Kenya, for over two years now. His church prays for us and our church prays for him. I'm always moved by the startling differences in climate and culture we serve in. Their spirit of dedication and sacrifice is not only inspiring, but it causes me to have a deeper appreciation for how abundantly God has blessed us here in the USA. Gideon ministers the Gospel in a hostile area where mere travel can be life-threatening . Here's his latest request for prayer:

Dear Pastor,

We have been in prayers over this week seeking God's direction whether it is His will for us to go to Samburu and other parts of the Northern Kenya for a set of Revival meetings and Repantance rallies as well as evangelistic campaigns.

This parts are so insecure, roads are not safe, cattle rustling, warlords from Somali and Ethiopia, famine and droughts. Our Brother Vincent Mudenyo, John Malala Jonathan Lepartingat, Japheth Kimathi, having been there overseeing the churches for the last 6 years and we felt good to go and visit them and join them to do the above ministries

We felt peace after prayers of going over and do what the Lord wants for his people over this part of Kenya. Few gospel ministers think of this place most of the time and as a result Muslims are getting food, schools and other kind of help to this people. I have no problem Muslims helping them, but I have a problem as they take advantage of this and convert this people into islamic faith on the account of helping them

I will be leading a group of seven pastors over this forgotten place as from 29th March - 11th April 10, We will first meet all the church leaders from different denomination from the area, will try to meet some governmantal leaders who will be open to receiving us and share with them, then begin the Revival and Evangelistic meetings on Wednesday 31st.

We greatly believe that during this event God will send the desired rain over them, God will heal this land from insecurity and the true peace of the Lord will reign upon the lives of many. We are also expecting many souls to come to the Lord,

We will be doing this events in 2 different towns of this Northern part which are about 100 miles a part but are experiencing the same problems, We kindly request for your prayers of protection, provision and favor from God. We will be travelling 400 miles a way from home, most of these parts are insecure, we will be travelling and declaring the peace of the Lord on this roads.

Due to the famine around this place, we request for your prayers that God will supply food, we would have wished to supply to many people the food. Many are attending Mosques just because after their services rise will be cooked for all who attend, in the long run they become muslims. We will love to distribute food to many especially to the elderly and the children.

May God greatly bless you as you remember to pray for this coming North Eastern mission

Yours brother in Christ

Gideon Mudenyo

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