
Thursday, March 11, 2010


Weekly Bible study.  I know my parents group would miss Daddy.  Yes dad, just wanna tell you that we had our turn last Tuesday.  Daddy would feel proud if he was here.  Don't worry, everyone was there.  Enough said, the pictures will tell all.  Lets scroll over!

Didn't cook as usual unless the day falls on weekend.  Just let the two Chefs showing off their skills.  To Mom and sis, you guys did a splendid and marvelous job.  I mean, cooking!

Very sorry.  Even though boss is very busy this week, I could feel that my working life has been affected too.  Hey, tell you what.  I have lotsa pictures in my keeping.  Will compose some good stories for you guys.  Stay tuned at my blog, will you?

p/s:  Can't believe that I am back to the scene after 10 years.  Gabby is growing bigger now so why not I go back to the stage and sing again?  Not too old to do that I guess.

With Love,

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