
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Respectable Sins" by Jerry Bridges

I really enjoy long drives in the car and don't mind them by myself. I usually take the time to get caught up on some of the good teaching I've been accumulating on my iPod and haven't had the time to listen to.

This week, I listened to the unabridged audio version of Jerry Bridges new book, "Respectable Sins". I am very quickly becoming a huge Jerry Bridges fan. His modern classic "The Pursuit of Holiness" (which we are going through in our Sunday School class) had a big and lasting impact on me as did another of his recent releases, "The Bookends of the Christian Life" (which should show up on our Spring Adult Sunday School schedule).

In "Respectable Sins", Bridges hits hard and cuts deep on the sins we have learned to accept in our lives, even as Christians. Sins that permeate our day through our culture and our environment making them commonplace and easily dismissed yet reeking havoc on our daily walk of sanctification. He lays a firm foundation, demonstrating our need for Christ then he begins to identify casual sins that interfere with our relationship with Him. Finally, he gets to the root f those casual sins, exposing them for what they are and how much damage they can do if left unchecked.

Jerry Bridges is one of the great Christian authors of our time. He is, in my opinion, under-appreciated for his capability to speak clearly and concisely on extremely deep subjects in an accessible and easy to read manner. This latest book is highly recommended and is available in the WBF Bookstore.

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