
Sunday, March 28, 2010


Oh boy, what a finding that I found few months ago which I'd like to share here.  Everyone in the family nowadays owns a Facebook account and so do to the three of us - Papa, Mama & Gabby.   Yes, my 9 years old daughter is Facebooking too eventhough that she's on a passive mode because I monitor her all the times and she has promised to cut down her online activity.  We love Facebook because it connects old friends and allows users to make new ones online.  Don't you agree with that?

Do you know that now, Facebook is being blamed for an increasing number of marital breakdowns?  According to the articles, divorce lawyers claim the explosion in the popularity of websites such as Facebook and Bebo is tempting to people to cheat on their partners.

Suspicious spouses have also used the websites to find evidence of flirting and even affairs which have led to divorce.  One law firm, which specialises in divorce, claimed almost one in five petitions they processed cited Facebook.  I know this one person in my life who has a jealousy wife.  He had to close down his FB account when his wife can't accept his friendliness - joking and teasing other female colleagues in Facebook.  Sorry dude!  Your wife sucks!  haha...

According to Mark Keenan, Managing Director of Divorce-Online said: "I had heard from my staff that there were a lot of people saying they had found out things about their partners on Facebook and I decided to see how prevalent it was I was really surprised to see 20 per cent of all the petitions containing references to Facebook.  "The most common reason seemed to be people having inappropriate sexual chats with people they were not supposed to."

  • Flirty emails and messages found on Facebook pages are increasingly being cited as evidence of unreasonable behaviour.
  • Computer firms have even cashed in by developing software allowing suspicious spouses to electronically spy on someone's online activities.
  • One 35-year-old woman even discovered her husband was divorcing her via Facebook.
  • Conference organiser Emma Brady was distraught to read that her marriage was over when he updated his status on the site to read: "Neil Brady has ended his marriage to Emma Brady."
  • Last year a 28-year-old woman ended her marriage after discovering her husband had been having a virtual affair with someone in cyberspace he had never met.
  • Amy Taylor 28, split from David Pollard after discovering he was sleeping with an escort in the game Second Life, a virtual world where people reinvent themselves.

Phewww!  I guess this problem doesn't seriously occur in Malaysia and please say NO to it, I mean doing silly things that can cause innuendo in your marriage.  Facebooking wisely readers. 

With Love,

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