
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DaVinci and McDonalds ??

I just read an article about a group of scholars that, through extensive analysis of "The Last Supper", have determined that food portions have been growing in size dramatically over the last two thousand years. They claim their findings show that the most drastic increases have taken place over the last few hundred years. The researchers measured the sizes of the Disciples heads in conjunction with the food on the plates, the loaves of bread and other items on the table to produce their findings.

Fascinating article...extensive research.

Let's see...if I get this right, then what we have here is a very credible, very expensive study of the eating customs of 33 AD Jerusalem....depicted by a guy who never witnessed them. The Disciples portrayed by the same man, albeit talented and gifted, yet one who had no idea what those Disciples looked like much less what hat size they wore. All this 'research' based on elements of a painting that was done 1500 years after the events of the true Last Supper. Never mind that the "Last Supper" (originally a mural on a wall) has been touched up, repaired and redone so many times, it is now, virtually, a painting of a painting.

I find it amusing to some extent but alarming to another that so much of our Christian faith and so many of our perceptions of the reality of Who Christ is, is based on material other than the Bible. How many people allow their beliefs to be shaped by things like paintings, movies, songs or even books that are only shadows of the reality we find in the pages of Scripture?

Had those 'teams of experts' spent as much time and effort searching the Scriptures, they might have produced something more worthwhile rather than something so obvious as an admonition to avoid super-sizing.

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